
Water Audits

In 2013, we completed our first water audit.

Results indicated that the annual average single family residential water use in Nanaimo is 251 litres per person per day compared to the British Columbia average of 353 litres per person per day.

Winter indoor water use identified an average of 198 litres per person per day.

Residents interested in learning more about Nanaimo's water consumption and demands can view the presentation from the April 22, 2013 council meeting, or read the water audit final report.

In 2018, we completed our second water audit.

We wished to see if improvements in the City's water supply and distribution system and a new Water Conservation Strategy over the previous five years had impacted businesses and residents water use.

Results were very encouraging as the total water volume used dropped as did water losses. Also the annual average single family residential water use in Nanaimo fell to 222 litres per person per day.

Following additional water conservation measures by Nanaimo citizens, the 2022 single family residential water use reduced further to 216 litres per person per day.



Water Quality Reports

Water Quality Testing

The Province of British Columbia issues water licenses to the City under the Water Act. Our drinking water dams and the use of the water for public consumption and fisheries augmentation are clearly spelled out by the licenses we hold.

We are fortunate to have a high quality surface water supply. The water collected from rain and snowmelt at the headwaters of the South Fork of the Nanaimo River produce a high quality and good tasting product.

Annual Water Quality Report 2023

Water quality is driven by the Drinking Water Protection Act and Regulation. Our annual water quality sampling program exceeds the requirements of the legislation. We sample over 2,000 times annually to monitor water quality. To date, all tests have shown that our water meets the legislation and the Canadian Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. This success is attributed to the cooperative management between the City and the land owners.

The water quality testing program has continually been modified to keep up with current regulations against outside laboratories' testing of the water to the lowest levels for micro biological and chemical contamination.

The water is tested at the source, the South Fork Water Treatment Plant and throughout the distribution system on a regular basis. The water sampling points were selected to cover all of the water system zones and where the most likely water problems would occur.

The program includes daily tests for coliforms, monthly tests for total organics, disinfection by products, cryptosporidium and giardia lamblia, hetrotrophic plate counts, and semi annual full spectrum analysis of the water from the watershed.

Actual water quality may vary as a result of weather changes in the watershed, or as a result of changes to operating procedures during maintenance to water supply and distribution systems.

NOTE: Actual water quality may vary as a result of weather changes in the watershed, or as a result of changes to operating procedures during maintenance to water supply and distribution systems.

Last updated: July 29, 2024

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