City of Nanaimo Spring and Summer 2025 Activity Guide

Register online at General Inquiries 250-756-5200 4 Stay Connected · Check our website ( for updates on programs, special events or severe weather cancellations. · “Like” us on Facebook (cityofnanaimolocalgovernment). · Follow us on X (Twitter) (@cityofnanaimo). · Follow us on Instagram (@prc_nanaimo). · Sign up to receive weekly E-News (MyCity Newsletter) through our website. · Listen to local radio stations for updates that need immediate communication, including information on severe weather closures or cancellations (106.9 WOLF, 102.3 WAVE, 91.7 COAST). · Please ensure we have up-to-date contact information for you, including your email in case we need to contact you. SPRING & SUMMER ACTIVITY GUIDE View online for the latest details! Waitlists, inclement weather, instructor availability and other factors lead to program and schedule changes. Be sure to check our online Activity Guide for the latest information. (click on Activity Guide) Welcome to the Spring & Summer Activity Guide! Parks, Recreation and Culture is well known for creating memorable summers through the variety of camps we offer. Each camp is led by experienced, passionate and fun staff who really work hard to make each child feel welcome. We offer general camp experiences or others that have a specific theme. Even if you’re not coming to camp this summer, we invite you to “Move with Us” by participating in a variety of fitness, sports, wellness, arts, crafts, cooking and more because an active community is a healthy and happy community. Registration for aquatics programs begins on March 5; registration for all other programs begins on March 12.