City of Nanaimo Spring and Summer 2025 Activity Guide

Register online at General Inquiries 250-756-5200 6 4 (Tue) ...............Glow in the Dark Skate 6:30-8 pm at Frank Crane Arena 21 (Fri) ...............Super Hero Swim 12-2 pm at Nanaimo Aquatic Centre 22-Apr 22...........Water to Earth Month see 22 (Sat) ..............Earth Hour Skate 1:15-2:45 pm at Frank Crane Arena 28 (Fri)................Super Hero Swim 12-2 pm at Nanaimo Aquatic Centre 1 (Sat).................Invasive Plant Drop Zone 10 am-2 pm at Bowen Park (Wall St) 4 (Wed)..............Starlight Skate 6:30-8 pm Nanaimo Ice Centre 8 (Sat).................Oceans Day 11 (Wed)............Concert in the Park 6-7 pm at Kin Park (Departure Bay) 15 (Sun)..............Glow in the Dark Skate 3-4:30 pm at Cliff McNabb Arena 27 (Fri)...............Concerts in the Park 6-8:15 pm at Maffeo Sutton Park (Thu)...................Aquatic Adventures (Thu in July) Thu 12-2 pm at Beban Park Pool (weekly) 1 (Tue)................Canada Day Celebrations 11 am-3:30 pm at Maffeo Sutton Park 1 (Tue)................Canada Day Swim at Westwood Lake 12-5:30 pm - lifeguards on duty 2 (Wed) ..............Starlight Skate 6:30-8 pm at Nanaimo Ice Centre 9 (Wed)..............Concert in the Park 6-7 pm at Mansfield Park 18 (Fri)...............Concert in the Park 6-7 pm at Deverill Square Park 20 (Sun) .............Glow in the Dark Skate 3-4:30 pm at Nanaimo Ice Centre 20-26.................Nat. Drowning Prevention Week Westwood Lake/Beban Park Pool 25 (Fri) ...............World Drowning Prevention Day Westwood Lake/Beban Park Pool 30 (Wed) ............Family Fun Night 4:30-7:30 pm at Harewood Cent. Park 30 (Wed)............Concert in the Park 6-7 pm at Harewood Cent. Park 31 (Thu).............Lifeguard Appreciation Day Westwood Lake/Nanaimo Aquatic Centre (Thu)...................Aquatic Adventures (Thu in Aug) Thu 12-2 pm at Beban Park Pool (weekly) 4 (Mon)...............BC Day Swim at Westwood Lake 12-5:30 pm - lifeguards on duty 6 (Wed) ..............Starlight Skate 6:30-8 pm at Nanaimo Ice Centre 6 (Wed)..............Concert in the Park 6-7 pm at Bowen Park Amphitheatre 12 (Tue)..............Concert in the Park 6-7 pm at McGregor Park 17 (Sun) .............Glow in the Dark Skate 3-4:30 pm at Nanaimo Ice Centre 22 (Fri)................Concerts in the Park 6-8:15 pm at Maffeo Sutton Park 22 (Fri) ...............Family Fun Night 4:30-7:30 pm at Maffeo Sutton Park 27 (Wed)............Concert in the Park 6-7 pm at Westwood Lake 27 (Wed)............End of Summer Splash 5-7 pm at Westwood Lake Park 5 (Mon) ..............Pro-D Day Swim 12-2 pm at Nanaimo Aquatic Centre 7 (Wed) ..............Starlight Skate 6:30-8 pm at Frank Crane Arena 1-7......................Youth Week (see 1-31....................Invasive Species Awareness Month (see 11 (Sun).............Family Fishing Day 10 am-2 pm at Colliery Dam Park 11 (Sun).............Concert in the Park 1-2 pm at Colliery Dam Park 16 (Fri)...............Wear Your Lifejacket to Work Day 17-23..................Safe Boating Awareness Week Nanaimo Aquatic Centre/Beban Park Pool 18 (Sun).............Glow in the Dark Skate 3-4:30 pm at Cliff McNabb Arena 19 (Mon).............Victoria Day Everyone Welcome Swim 12-4 pm at Nanaimo Aquatic Centre 30 (Fri)...............Concert in the Park 6-7 pm at Bowen Park Amphtheatre Spring & Summer Special Events See for more details. 2 (Wed) ..............Starlight Skate 6:30-8 pm at Frank Crane Arena 13 (Sun) .............Earth Day Celebration Bowen Park 18 (Fri)................Good Friday Swim 12-4 pm at Nanaimo Aquatic Centre 20 (Sun) .............Glow in the Dark Skate 3-4:30 pm at Cliff McNabb Arena 21 (Mon) ............Easter Monday Swim 12-4 pm at Nanaimo Aquatic Centre WATER TO EARTH MONTH March 22-April 22 Activities and events to celebrate both World Water Day and Earth Day! Check for event details