Register online at General Inquiries 250-756-5200 68 Yin Yoga Yin Yoga is slower paced and more meditative. Poses are held longer and are designed to target connective tissues and ligaments rather than muscles. This class is great for all abilities. Instructor: Cheryl Carew Thu, Apr 3-May 15 | 5:30-6:30 pm | $56/7 | 138029 Mon, Apr 7-Jun 2 | 5:30-6:30 pm | $56/7 | 138027 Thu, May 22-Jun 26 | 5:30-6:30 pm | $48/6 | 138030 Mon, Jun 16-Aug 18 | 5:30-6:30 pm | $72/9 | 138028 Bowen Park Complex Yang Yoga This mixed style yoga class for beginners and intermediates will stretch the muscles and help to build your core. Instructor: Cheryl Carew Thu, Apr 3-May 15 | 6:45-7:45 pm | $56/7 | 138034 Mon, Apr 7-Jun 2 | 6:45-7:45 pm | $56/7 | 138031 Thu, May 22-Jun 26 | 6:45-7:45 pm | $48/6 | 138035 Mon, Jun 16-Aug 18 | 6:45-7:45 pm | $72/9 | 138032 Bowen Park Complex Yin-Inspired Restorative Yoga This is a gentle candlelit meditative approach to releasing connective tissues, fascia and muscle tightness. Ease into calmness and relaxation in preparation for sleep. Bolsters and blocks are provided. Please wear comfortable clothing. Instructor: Jane Bockman Tue, Apr 8-May 27 | 7:45-8:45 pm | $64/8 | 136810 Tue, Jun 17-Jul 29 | 7:45-8:45 pm | $48/6 | 136811 Oliver Woods Community Centre Slow Flow Yoga NEW! Discover tranquility from within and permit your body, mind and spirit to decelerate and unwind. This serene and gentle session incorporates breath exercises and meditative movements designed to soothe the mind. It is appropriate for participants of all skill levels. Please bring your yoga mat and a blanket. Instructor: Krista Rogers Tue, Apr 1-May 13 | 6:30-7:30 pm | $56/7 | 141063 Tue, May 20-Jun 24 | 6:30-7:30 pm | $48/6 | 141064 Hammond Bay Elementary School (1025 Morningside Dr) Stretch, Balance, Build This class is designed for anyone wanting to increase balance, flexibility and strength in a calm and welcoming setting. It will combine a series of targeted exercises to enhance the body’s long-term flexibility and balance while building strength using light weights. The stretches and range of motion movements benefit your muscles, tendons and fascia flexibility. Instructor: Kim Ross Wed, Apr 2-May 14 | 12:15-1:15 pm | $56/7 | 136227 Wed, May 21-Jun 25 | 12:15-1:15 pm | $48/6 | 136228 Wed, Jul 2-30 | 12:15-1:15 pm | $40/5 | 136229 Wed, Aug 6-27 | 12:15-1:15 pm | $32/4 | 136230 Rotary Field House Stretch & Tone This class is designed for anyone wanting to increase balance, flexibility and strength through targeted exercises with light weights in a welcoming setting. There is a mat component included for floor work, but this is optional. Alternate chair options will be included assisting with balance, adding to some of the strength exercises and allowing for rest if needed. The stretches and range of motion movements benefit your muscles, tendons and fascia flexibility. Calm your mind and body and enhance your well-being. Instructor: Kim Ross Thu, Apr 3-May 15 | 12:30-1:30 pm | $56/7 | 136223 Thu, May 22-Jun 26 | 12:30-1:30 pm | $48/6 | 136224 Thu, Jul 3-31 | 12:30-1:30 pm | $40/5 | 136225 Thu, Aug 7-28 | 12:30-1:30 pm | $32/4 | 136226 Oliver Woods Community Centre Total Body Fitness Whether you are just starting out in fitness or are an advanced student, you are welcome here. Your fitness level will be challenged. We incorporate fun exercises and equipment, such as free weights, medicine balls and more to keep the class exciting and challenging. Instructor: Kim Ross Thu, Apr 3-May 15 | 9-10 am | $56/7 | 136219 Mon, Apr 7-May 5 | 9-10 am | $32/4 | 136215 Thu, May 22-Jun 26 | 9-10 am | $48/6 | 136220 Mon, Jun 16-Jul 21 | 9-10 am | $48/6 | 136216 Thu, Jul 3-31 | 9-10 am | $40/5 | 136221 Mon, Jul 28-Aug 25 | 9-10 am | $32/4 | 136217 Thu, Aug 7-28 | 9-10 am | $32/4 | 136222 Rotary Field House Cardio Core Start your weekend right with strength and cardio conditioning that will leave you feeling exhilarated. Plenty of modifications will be available for different fitness levels. Instructor: Maki Kristiansen Sat, Apr 12-May 17 | 10:30-11:30 am | $40/5 | 135884 Sat, May 24-Jun 28 | 10:30-11:30 am | $48/6 | 135885 Sat, Jul 5-Aug 23 | 10:30-11:30 am | $64/8 | 135886 Bowen Park Complex BellyFit This is a holistic fitness experience that blends the body, mind and spirit to offer an extraordinary exercise experience. Scorch calories in a fun and easy cardio and dance infused workout. The second half of the class brings sculpting, toning and tightening with pilates, yoga stretches and mindful meditation. Instructor: Heidi Robinson Fri, Apr 4-May 16 | 12:15-1:15 pm | $48/6 | 137840 Fri, May 23-Jun 27 | 12:15-1:15 pm | $48/6 | 137841 Fri, Jul 4-Aug 29| 12:15-1:15 pm | $72/9 | 137843 Oliver Woods Community Centre Deep Stretch and Flow Fitness D Picture an entire hour dedicated to stretching every muscle in your body! Fundamental stretches and yoga positions will be performed, maintained and later incorporated into sequences that will flow and repeat to soothing music. Participating in this course will lead to stronger stabilizer muscles and improved balance. Instructor: Monique Huibregtse Tue, Apr 1-May 13 | 9:30-10:30 am | $56/7 | 136821 Tue, May 20-Jun 24 | 9:30-10:30 am | $48/6 | 136822 Oliver Woods Community Centre Chair Yogalates D This gentle, yet effective class provides a complete practice for strengthening the whole body while seated safely in a chair. You will be surprised how challenged you can feel while preserving your safety, integrity and alignment. No experience is required. Instructor: Gypsy Hart Tue, Apr 1-May 13 | 9:30-10:30 am | $56/7 | 136819 Tue, May 20-Jun 24 | 9:30-10:30 am | $48/6 | 136820 Oliver Woods Community Centre Please bring your own mat to fitness and yoga classes. Looking for some flexibility in your fitness journey? Unable to register for an entire set of a class? Try out drop-in fitness class options. D