cityofnanaimo prc_nanaimo (#ilovemyparksandrec) 73 60+ Classes: no membership required! Gentle Chair Fitness This class incorporates gentle fitness movements, yoga and stretching while primarily sitting in a chair. Some movements to standing and balance work will be done with the chair for stability. Stretch, relax, open the joints, release tensions, energize and revitalize. Instructor: Heather Walker Tue, Apr 1-29 | 9-10 am | $40/5 | 137991 Tue, May 6-27 | 9-10 am | $32/4 | 137994 Wed, Apr 30-May 28 | 9-10 am | $40/5 | 141175 Tue, Jun 3-24 | 9-10 am | $32/4 | 138001 Wed, Jun 4-25 | 9-10 am | $32/4 | 141176 Wed, Jul 2-30 | 9-10 am | $40/5 | 141177 Tue, Jul 8-29 | 9-10 am | $32/4 | 138004 Tue, Aug 5-26 | 9-10 am | $32/4 | 138005 Wed, Aug 6-27 | 9-10 am | $32/4 | 141178 Bowen Park Complex For more information, call 250-755-7501, pick up the Harbour City Seniors Newsletter or view online at Nanaimo Harbour City Seniors MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION THURSDAY NIGHT DANCES Enjoy a fun evening of dancing with new and old friends to live music in Bowen Park Auditorium. Thursdays, March 6 to August 28 7-9:30 pm Members: $8/evening; Non Members: $10/evening A Nanaimo Harbour City Seniors’ Membership is open to those 60 years and older and is valid for the calendar year. Your membership provides you with access to several free programs with Parks, Recreation and Culture. Membership can be purchased at any of our recreation centres, and the annual membership fee is $47. Program areas: ARTS & CRAFTS CARDS & GAMES MUSIC & SINGING DANCE CLASSES & SOCIALS SOCIALS FITNESS YOGA & TAI CHI SPORTS POTTERY FITNESS INSTRUCTORS WANTED! We are looking for BCRPA Certified Fitness Instructors. Email today with your certifications.