2015 Woodstove Changeout Program Starts January 5th
Get a rebate for replacing eligible woodstoves and fireplace inserts
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 11, 2014 9:30 AM
Starting January 5th, 2015, the City of Nanaimo will be offering rebates to residents who replace their old woodstoves with approved units. Rebates of $250 on the purchase of a new approved unit will be available at participating retailers.
To be eligible, home owners must have an existing wood burning appliance or a non-EPA insert installed in an open hearth fireplace that does not comply with current smoke emission standards - typically an appliance built and installed before 1994.
For more information, a list of participating retailers and to see if you qualify visit the City of Nanaimo website.
Link to Strategic Plan: Environmental Responsibility
Key Points
- Residents looking to replace their old woodstoves may be eligible for a rebate through the City of Nanaimo. Rebate forms will be available at participating retailers beginning January 5th (while quanities last).
- To qualify for the rebate homeowners must have an eligible existing wood burning appliance or a non-EPA gas fireplace insert that does not conform to current standards (CSA B415.1 or equivalent EPA standard) and a replacement stove must be purchased on or after January 5th, 2015.
- Participating retailers may offer additional discounts and rebates. Ask your retailer for details.
"Replacing your old woodstove with a more efficient heating appliance will save you money and help the environment by reducing your carbon footprint."
Quick Facts
- Did you know that by upgrading to cleaner burn technology, you can save firewood and time (efficient woodstoves use 1/3 less wood) and can reduce wood smoke emissions by up to 90%.
- Smart operating practices include burning seasoned wood (split and dried for at least six months), not allowing fires to smolder, and never burning accelerants, chemically treated wood, plastics, rubber and other noxious materials.
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