Boil Water Advisory Issued for City of Nanaimo
Recent heavy rains create sedimentation
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 11, 2014 11:15 AM
(Distributed at 11:15 a.m. Thursday, December 11) - Residents of Nanaimo are advised that the City of Nanaimo has issued a Boil Water Advisory for the users of the City drinking water system. Recent heavy rainfalls have resulted in increased turbidity in Nanaimo’s water supply. As a precaution, water users should boil their drinking water for one minute at a rolling boil. The public will be informed as soon as the turbidity issues are resolved and the advisory is lifted.
For more information, please refer to the City of Nanaimo’s web page (, listen to the Wave radio at 102.3 FM or follow the City's Twitter account. In addition, to assist residents in receiving this advisory, the City has activated its Emergency Call Alert System - a notification service that sends information to self-registered residents.
Link to Strategic Plan: Taking responsibility to be an excellent municipal government.
Key Points
- Users of the City's water system are advised to boil the water for one minute and let it cool before drinking.
- The City has experienced elevated levels of turbidity at the source of its drinking water system due to heavy rains in the South Fork watershed.
- Turbidity readings are also elevated within the City's drinking water supply system. Residents may notice tap water is discoloured.
- Water Supply Operations have ensured that its disinfection equipment is effectively disinfecting water throughout the system.
"In consultation with Island Health, we are issuing this Boil Water Advisory to all users of the water system within the City of Nanaimo. Once the system has cleared up and the Boil Water Advisory has been lifted, we will advise users. The City will continue to monitor and seek to lift the boil advisory as soon as possible."
Quick Facts
- Turbidity is measured continuously at South Fork Dam, and as the water enters the system. Entering the system, turbidity climbed from less than 1 NTU at midnight, to about 5 NTU this morning.
- The City’s Waterworks Operating Permit requires the City to notify the Drinking Water Officer when turbidity averages 5 NTU for 12 hours. This threshold has not been met.
- As a result of this week's storm, a total of 87 mm of rain has fallen in Nanaimo over the last two days. This is considered a two-year return period storm.
What to do During a Boil Water Notice
This information is provided by Island Health
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