Council sets new user rates for water, sewer and garbage collection
Collected revenues support City's long-term Asset Management Plan
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 16, 2014 1:00 PM
During its meeting held December 15, Council set new water, sewer and garbage collection rates to support long-term asset management requirements outlined in the City's 2014-2018 Financial Plan. Adopted by Council on May 12, 2013, the City's 2014-2018 Financial Plan proposed annual increases to the water and sewer user rates on January 1st of each year. Revenues collected through these increases assist the City in paying for costs incurred during the long-term replacement of fixed assets, including water supply and distribution assets and sanitary sewer assets.
Link to Strategic Plan: Asset Management, including long-term funding strategies.
Key Points
- Sewer fees will increase by five per cent in 2015 ($5.35 per single family home). This will bring the annual cost for a single family home to $112.28.
- An increase of 7.5 per cent will be applied to water rates in 2015. The impact of this change on a typical single family home is $28.84 (based on the average consumption of 220 gallons/day) bringing an annual cost for a single family home to $413.36. per year.
- Solid waste collection rates will increase by two per cent for a residential unit and five per cent for non-residential units.
"Asset management is one of the six priorities identified in the 2012-2015 Strategic Plan. Increased user fees are part of a long-term strategy to ensure there are adequate funds available to renew water and sewer infrastructure when it eventually reaches the end of its life cycle."
Quick Facts
- While solid waste collection rates will increase over 2015, users will still pay less than previous years due to the June 1, 2014 implementation of the Multi-Material agreement, i.e.) $99.75 for 2015 vs. $110.50 for 2014.
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