Rezoning approval poised to bring new jobs to Nanaimo
Tilray to expand operations at its Nanaimo facility pending regulatory approvals
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 16, 2014 2:30 PM
During a public hearing meeting held December 11, 2014, the Nanaimo City Council approved a rezoning for an expansion of the current Tilray owned and operated medical marihuana production facility at 1100 Maughan Road. The rezoning for the adjacent properties at 1110, 1120 and 1140 Maughan Road applies the same Industrial (I4) zone, with a site-specific use of ‘medical marihuana growing and production’. With the rezoning approved, Tilray is positioned to begin the permitting and regulatory approval process that would enable them to increase their operations in Nanaimo significantly.
Tilray began cultivating medical marihuana in Nanaimo in April 2014 with the opening of a state-of-the-art, 60,000 square foot research and production facility. Currently Tilray employs a workforce of more than 100 staff in Nanaimo. Pending necessary regulatory approvals, Tilray plans to build a new facility that will be 284,888 square feet. Once complete, Tilray’s second facility is expected to create an additional 275 jobs in Nanaimo, in addition to more than one hundred indirect jobs related to construction, logistics and third party services.
Link to Strategic Plan: Ongoing commitment to sustainability through economic health.
Key Points
- With rezoning approved, an existing medical marihuana facility, operated by Tilray, is poised to be expanded pending necessary regulatory approvals.
- With the addition of a new 284,888 square foot building, Tilray intends to create more than 275 jobs at their production site in Nanaimo.
"Council's decision to approve the required rezoning is good news for the City of Nanaimo. The steps taken last week through the rezoning will allow Tilray to significantly increase their operations in Nanaimo leading to over 275 new jobs."
"Tilray is proud to be a rapidly growing business and large employer in Nanaimo, and we sincerely appreciate the overwhelming support we have received from the Nanaimo community to-date. We are looking forward to continuing to invest and create jobs in the community pending necessary regulatory approvals for our production site"
Print News Release
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