New Water Treatment Plant averts turbidity event
Nanaimo residents now receiving filtered water
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 4, 2015 10:30 AM
The City of Nanaimo's New Water Treatment plant is now operational. This week's heavy rainfall combined with previous snow triggered rapid runoff in the South Fork watershed - the source of Nanaimo's drinking water - leading to a rise in turbidity, peaking at 8 NTU, well above the allowable 1 NTU maximum. Working with Island Health, City staff secured an Interim Operating Permit allowing the turbid source water to be filtered through the new plant, thereby avoiding the need for a boil water advisory.
For the past several weeks, the Water Treatment Plant project team has been preparing the plant for operation. Early in the week of November 30, the plant was ready to go online and only required laboratory confirmation of water potability to receive an Interim Operating Permit. This requirement was met yesterday.
Link to Strategic Plan: Taking responsibility to be an excellent municipal government.
Key Points
- The new Water Treatment Plant is now on-line and producing high quality water. Turbidity leaving the plant is less than 0.1 NTU.
- The entire project team, working with the City's staff and consultants, were successful in bringing the new plant online this week so as to prevent water quality disruptions to the City.
- The new plant's ultrafiltration membranes are capable of filtering particles of one ten-millionth of a meter (0.1 micron) - this is smaller than many bacteria.
"This is a major milestone in protecting Nanaimo's drinking water for generations to come. The City and entire project team is proud to have been able to prevent yesterday's weather-related water quality event from reaching the City. From this day forward, Nanaimo can enjoy water that has been purified to a high degree. And it tastes GRRReat!"
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