Dog off-leash area proposed for Nob Hill Park
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 8, 2015 12:30 PM
The City of Nanaimo has received a petition and request from the residents of the Nob Hill neighbourhood to create a dog off-leash park in Nob Hill Park.
There are currently twelve dog off-leash parks in Nanaimo. Most were introduced as one year pilot projects. After the one year pilot period, a public re-assessment was completed before the current off-leash parks were made permanent by the Parks and Recreation Commission.
If there is widespread support for the Nob Hill location, a similar trial could be implemented by the Parks and Recreation Commission. If not, the park will remain as it is with a picnic area, trail and playground facilities. A survey is available online to determine support. A Public Input Session will also be held on Tuesday, January 19 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the Vancouver Island Conference Centre.
Link to Strategic Plan: Taking Responsibility to be an Excellent Municipal Government
Key Points
- In an ongoing effort to revitalize Nob Hill Park, and keep parks current with community demand, the City is considering adding a dog off-leash park in Nob Hill Park if there is clear neighbourhood support.
- A survery is available online as well a Public Input Session is scheduled for 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Tuesday, January 19 at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre.
"We look forward to hearing from the community on the concept of a dog off-leash park in Nob Hill Park. Residents are encouraged to provide their thoughts by attending the public input session or filling out the online survey."
Quick Facts
- Dog off-leash parks are specific locations where owners can exercise their dogs off-leash. Dogs must remain under their owner's control and owners must carry a leash with them at all times.
- With the exception of designated off-leash areas and private property, all dogs must be on a leash in the City of Nanaimo.
Print News Release
Event Information
Start time: | Tue, Jan 19, 4:00 PM |
End time: | Tue, Jan 19, 7:00 PM |
Location: | Vancouver Island Conference Centre |
Add this event to your calendar | |
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