Residents encouraged to take part and provide feedback on proposed events centre
First of three public meetings start tomorrow - November 24
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed November 23, 2016 2:30 PM
The City of Nanaimo is wanting residents to visit its website to learn more about a proposed events centre project that could be built on one of two possible downtown locations - the Howard Johnson site located at Comox Road and Terminal Avenue and the 1 Port Drive site located on the south downtown waterfront. Having reviewed the available reports and presentation, residents can share their feedback via a range of options including one of three public engagement sessions starting November 24 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Beban Park Social Centre.
Can't attend the meeting the November 24? Those still wanting to participate can do so on December 1 and December 8, same place, same time. As well, the City's website hosts additional feedback resources including a short survey and a feedback email. And finally, starting next week, a phone survey targeting 500 random homes is set to start.
Need more information? Residents can watch for a flyer in their home mailbox directing them to online resources and upcoming information events.
Link to Strategic Plan: Exploring the feasibility of a Sports and Entertainment Centre is one of Council's capital project priorities.
Key Points
- Join the City this week at the Beban Park Social Centre from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Your comments and feedback will help Council make an informed decision on this proposed project.
- The City has created a variety of ways for the community to provide input on a proposed event centre. To learn more, visit the City's website or attend one of the schedule events November 24, December 1 and December 8 in the Beban Park Social Centre.
- At this time, no decisions have been made for the proposed Events Centre; the current focus is to collect information and receive feedback from the public.
"Council is looking forward to hearing the public's feedback on the proposed events centre. We encourage everyone to share their thoughts through the various methods that are now available."
Quick Facts
- The first of two event centre studies was presented to Council on November 15. A second more detailed study is currently underway and will be presented to Council on December 19.
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