Council seeks members for Select Committees
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 12, 2016 3:00 PM
Nanaimo City Council is looking for qualified residents to assist with decision-making and help shape City policy by volunteering to sit as members on its select committees.
Select committees are established by Council to focus on a particular topic that impacts the City of Nanaimo and its people. Through the expertise of its members, select committees provide feedback, ideas, advice and recommendations to Council and staff. The City is looking for residents interested in sharing their experience, knowledge and skills by volunteering on one of the following committees:
- Community Planning and Development;
- Community Vitality;
- Nanaimo Youth Advisory Council;
- Parks, Recreation and Wellness;
- Public Safety; and
- Public Works and Engineering.
Residents interested in being appointed to a select committee are encouraged to visit the City’s website at to learn about committee mandates, eligibility requirements and what’s involved in being a member including, how to apply and time commitments. For details via the City's webpage, see individual Terms of Reference, Committee Operating Guidelines and the Application Form under City Hall/City Council/Committees, Commission and Boards.
Link to Strategic Plan: Governance Renewal: this priority guides Council and staff in renewing the City’s capacity to effectively and efficiently serve the residents of our community.
Key Points
- Interested residents are encouraged to visit the City’s website to learn more about each committee’s mandate and eligibility requirements, the application and appointment process, and what’s involved in being a committee member including time commitments.
- Applications need to be submitted by noon, Monday, January 16, 2017; all committee appointments are to be made by Council in January 2017.
"Volunteering as a member of one of Council’s select committees provides Nanaimo residents with a great opportunity to get involved in their community by contributing to Council’s decision-making processes and helping shape City policy"
Quick Facts
- Select committees are established and the members appointed by Council to provide feedback, ideas, advice, and recommendations to Council and City staff on matters within their terms of reference.
- Areas of focus for each select committee are set-out in the terms of reference which align with current City activities and Council’s vision, values and priorities as outlined in the Strategic Plan.
- For the City's largest departments, committees play an important role. Departments like Engineering and Public Works rely on committees for input on transportation planning, water distribution, sanitary sewer, environmental sustainability, etc.
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