New look solid waste collection guides and schedules will be delivered this week
New format encourages recycling more and throwing away less!
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 13, 2016 2:15 PM
The City of Nanaimo is reminding residents to check their mail box for their solid waste collection guide and schedule.
The guides are being delivered by Canada Post this week.
Link to Strategic Plan: The New Guide and Calendar supports the City's ongoing commitment to sustainability; through recycling more at the curb we take more responsibility for the protection of our environment.
Key Points
- Your Garbage, Green Bin and Recycling Collection Schedule will be delivered to your home soon.
- Please keep your schedule in a handy place. There is a magnet on the back so you can stick it on your fridge.
- This year the schedule encourages residents to work together to recycle more and throw away less and provides more information on where residents can take items that are not accepted at the curb.
- In a first for the City, residents have been set a challenging goal to divert 75% of their curbside waste from landfill by 2020.
"This year, we have challenged residents to work together towards a shared goal that will mean we are diverting more waste from landfill. We have set an ambitious goal of diverting 75% of curbside waste (294kg per household) from landfill by 2020.
We currently divert 63% of waste from landfill through the curbside program (246kg per household). It is estimated that the region's landfill has about 20 years of capacity left, by setting goals such as these we will be able to extend that and to protect our environment from the impacts of waste."
Quick Facts
- The City will be delivering around 27,300 calendars to homes in Nanaimo.
- Residents can also access their collection schedule online at
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