Birds of a Feather Flock Together
Annual Christmas Bird Count for Kids returns
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 14, 2017 9:00 AM
Families looking for an educational and fun outdoor activity are invited to join Bird Studies Canada, Nanaimo Naturekids and the City of Nanaimo, to learn about some of our most common local bird species at the annual Christmas Bird Count. This free family event is returning to Nanaimo on Thursday, December 28, 2017 from 10:00 am - 1:30 pm at Buttertubs Marsh.
After the count, teams will gather at the Miner's Cottage off Jingle Pot Road where they will share results, warm up with refreshments and build their own pine cone feeder to take home so they can attract birds to their own backyards.
"Birders and non-birders alike have been participating in the Christmas Bird Count since 1900," Recreation Coordinator Deborah Beck explains, "it's a great way for families to get outside over the Christmas break and enjoy the wonders of nature."
Please wear weather appropriate clothing and footwear as the trails can get muddy and wet. Deborah Beck wanted to add "if you do have your own set of binoculars and bird field guide, please bring them along!". Feel free to also bring along a travel mug and bagged lunch.
The event is free to attend, however knowing the number of people attending is necessary for supplies and support of local birders. Those interested in attending can contact City of Nanaimo Parks and Recreation to register at 250-756-5200 or use i-reg online at
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