Artwork in Maffeo Sutton Park to be removed

On December 19, The interactive and popular project titled the "Frameā€, located in Maffeo Sutton Park will be removed. This popular project by local artist Jason Gress was installed in Maffeo Sutton Park in 2012 as part of the Temporary Outdoor Public Art program. Unfortunately even with yearly maintenance the wooden frame is now at a point that is beyond reasonable repair. This interactive art piece has been a popular location along the waterfront walkway for the last five years.

"This has become a popular attraction in Maffeo Sutton Park and it's really unfortunate we have to remove it," says Al Britton, Manager of Parks Operations, "It was not built to be a permanent outdoor addition and, with the natural elements and the wear and tear of being in a popular park, its condition has become unsafe to stay up in the park."

In the new year, staff will bring forward a report to Council with options to either deaccession or replace the art piece.



Sheila Gurrie
City Clerk
City of Nanaimo

Print News Release

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