City of Nanaimo Set to Expand Linley Valley Park
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed May 29, 2018 9:45 AM
Linley Valley Park will expand with the acquisition of a 20.2 hectare (50 acre) parcel of land. At their May 28, 2018 In Camera meeting, Council approved the purchase of this parcel which was the focus of a development application in 2017 not favoured by the public or Council. The City has been working with the property owner to come to an arrangement to transfer the property to the City for some time and a deal has now been completed between the two parties. Council is excited to protect this property as parkland as part of the City's commitment to environmental stewardship and preserving open space for the enjoyment of the public.
For more information on Linley Valley Park as well as Nanaimo's extensive network of parks and trails, visit
Link to Strategic Plan: Environmental Responsibility: protecting and enhancing Nanaimo's natural environment. Active Lifestyle: an active and healthy place to live.
Key Points
- The City has agreed to a purchase price of $3,000,000 for the property.
- 5260 Tanya Drive will transfer to the City of Nanaimo on June 15, 2018.
"The acquisition of the Tanya Drive property is a significant addition to the protection and preservation of the Linley Valley ecosystem. And will provide citizens an opportunity to share a piece of nature for generations to come."
"The people spoke stating the importance of keeping this space green and very pleased we were able to do that for the people to enjoy today and for the generations of tomorrow."
"I am very pleased that the City was able to come to terms to purchase this addition to Linley Valley parkland. It is a magnificent addition to City green space and an area of natural beauty to be enjoyed by all residents."
"The acquisition of 5260 Tanya Drive adds another layer of preservation to the complex ecosystem of Linley Valley. Nanaimo residents can take pride in the city’s goals towards more parks and greenspace for the people’s enjoyment."
Quick Facts
- The parcel, located at 5260 Tanya Drive, is adjacent to the City's Linley Valley Park and is comprised of second growth forest.
- The acquisition of 5250 Tanya Drive will increase Linley Valley Park to 184.2 ha (455.2 acres).
Print News Release
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