Work along Departure Creek enhances fish and wildlife habitat

Community partnerships key to project

The City of Nanaimo is working with a number of community partners to complete a stream realignment and habitat enhancement project in Departure Bay.

In Woodstream Park, the City and members of the Departure Bay Neighbourhood Association and volunteer Streamkeepers are constructing a new side channel to provide habitat and refuge for salmonids. Along with the side channel work, bank erosion issues within the park are also being addressed to help improve water quality during the winter months.

As well, at 1420 Bay Street, the creek channel is being realigned into a more natural channel to help increase fish habitat and move the channel away from the foundation of neighbouring buildings. Riparian area planting is planned for completion later in the fall.

"The City is pleased to be able to work with the many groups and organizations that have come together to help restore and enhance Departure Creek," said Environmental Planner, Rob Lawrance, "We look forward to continue working with the community to help restore and enhance Nanaimo's urban streams, for all to enjoy."

This project was made possible through the input and support of the Snuneymuxw First Nation, funding support of the Pacific Salmon Foundation and the City of Nanaimo and contributions of local companies like Island Timberlands, who provided wood for the channel enhancements.




Rob Lawrance
Environmental Planner
City of Nanaimo

Print News Release

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