Construction at Northfield Road and Highway 19a nears completion


The construction at Northfield Road and Highway 19A is ahead of schedule and anticipated to be complete by the end of October, 2018.

The intersections of Northfield Road and Highway 19A, as well as Northfield Road and Boundary Avenue are now transitioned to the new traffic signals and open to full movements. Drivers are urged to use caution when driving through the area as the traffic patterns have changed. With the new design, left turns from Boundary Avenue to Northfield Road are no longer permitted, and the left turn from Highway 19a is now a protected left turn (left turns are only permitted on green arrow).

While construction is nearing completion and the area is open to traffic, it is still a construction zone and contractors will be working to complete the project. Occasional traffic disruptions can be expected until the project is completed. The City would like to thank the travelling public, residents and businesses in the project area for their patience during construction.

Link to Strategic Plan: Improving Transportation and Mobility.

Key Points

  • Construction through the spring and summer has required on and off road closures and detours. Now that work is winding down, the road is re-opening in it's new configuration.
  • The City of Nanaimo and the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure are sharing the costs of this project, with the intent to create a safer and more efficient intersection for all modes of transportation.
  • The project is anticipated to be complete by the end of October, nearly two months ahead of schedule.


"The project area is now open to full traffic movement, but there is still work remaining. Drivers should use caution while travelling through the area as traffic patterns have changed and will continue to change periodically as the remaining work is completed."

Project Manager
City of Nanaimo

"The primary objective of this project is to improve the safety of the intersection for all modes of transportation. We are pleased with the progress to date and look forward to final completion of the project."

Manager of Engineering Projects
City of Nanaimo


Mike Strain
Project Manager
City of Nanaimo

Print News Release

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