Port Drive tent city closing
STATEMENT - Distributed November 30, 2018 9:30 AM
Tent city occupants will begin leaving 1 Port Drive on November 30, 2018 with relocation expected to be complete in the following week. Once occupants have left the site, City work crews will close and secure the site and clear it of debris and any remaining structures.
Closing tent city for the safety of occupants and neighbouring residents and business has been the City’s goal since the camp first opened in May 2018.
Achieving closure in a relatively short time compared to other encampments in BC cities is the result of close collaboration among all participating agencies and government bodies.
Under pressure to meet Court-ordered time lines to close the camp, the City, BC Housing, local charities and social service agencies moved quickly to find solutions for the many homeless people living at 1 Port Drive.
BC Housing purchased and reconditioned existing workforce housing from outside the region and worked with the City of Nanaimo and social service agencies and other partners to install the housing and operate it. BC Housing is also funding rent subsidies for camp occupants who do not require social or health supports, and paid for additional outreach workers for Nanaimo-area homeless people.
City of Nanaimo made land available on a portion of the public works yard at Labieux Road for some temporary units with the remainder installed at land BC Housing purchased at 250 Terminal Avenue. St. Peter’s church in partnership with the Nanaimo Women's Resources Society and the Nanaimo Citizen Advocacy Association is providing additional shelter beds for those in our community who are in need.
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