Work to begin on LED Streetlight Replacement Program
Lane closures can be expected starting December 10
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 3, 2018 11:34 AM
Work on replacing 400+ streetlight heads with LED fixtures is set to begin on December 10, 2018 and be completed by the end of February 2019. Following public consultation in 2017 the City identified Bowen Road, Aulds Road and Terminal Avenue as pilot locations for the implementation of LED street lighting with a particular focus on safety improvement at high crash locations. Commuters should expect delays on these routes as lane closures will be required to complete the work
To stay up to date with progress of this project, visit the project website and follow the City of Nanaimo on Facebook ( and Twitter (@cityofnanaimo).
Link to Strategic Plan: Converting to energy-efficient LED streetlights contributes to the City's priority to be environmentally responsible.
Key Points
- The City completed a study of each of the proposed corridors which determined the appropriate fixture size to provide a consistent lighting level leading to significantly improved visibility for all user at night.
- The conversion to LED streetlights will reduce streetlight energy use for those fixtures by up to 60 per cent, significantly reducing consumption cost and green house gas production.
- LED lights typically last 15 - 20 years which is significantly higher than the 3-5 year lifespan of the current streetlights leading to reduced replacement and maintenance costs.
"The new LED street light fixtures being installed will improve public safety, require less energy and maintenance, and significantly reduce operating costs."
Quick Facts
- The City of Nanaimo has set out to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 33 per cent below 2007 levels by the year 2020.
- LED lights consume up to 60 per cent less power than our existing lights and are expected to last 20 years. Power savings from a city-wide conversion are estimated be $200,000 per year and maintenance costs would be reduced by $25,000 annually.
- The 4,134 city owned streetlights consume 2,800 mega watt hours of power and cost $300,000 annually.
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