Council approves Housing Agreements for affordable housing projects in Nanaimo
New housing for seniors and those seeking to support their mental health
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 11, 2018 9:00 AM
On December 3, 2018, Nanaimo City Council passed three readings for housing agreement bylaws for three new affordable housing projects in Nanaimo. In total, these projects will deliver nearly 240 new, affordable rental units: 159 units of seniors rental housing at 10 Buttertubs Drive, 57 units of seniors rental housing at 20 Prideaux Street and 23 units of rental housing at 285 Rosehill Street.
The two seniors housing projects are owned and operated by Nanaimo Affordable Housing Society, which has been providing affordable housing in our community for over 40 years. The 285 Rosehill Street project is owned and operated by Vancouver Island Mental Health Society and will provide a supportive environment for clients of this agency, which has been working with those affected by mental illness in Nanaimo since 1977.
The City of Nanaimo has contributed to these projects through a 50 per cent reduction in the Development Cost Charges associated with the three developments, formalized through the Housing Agreements associated with each site. By registering a Housing Agreement on title, the City ensures that the developments will provide affordable rental units.
Nanaimo’s Affordable Housing Strategy, adopted by Nanaimo City Council in 2018, identifies a broad range of affordability issues and provides a number of recommendations to address this critical issue. The strategy, and its companion document Nanaimo’s Action Plan to End Homelessness, can be viewed on the City of Nanaimo’s website.
Link to Strategic Plan: Affordable housing supports the strategic value of Social Equity.
Key Points
- On December 3, 2018, Nanaimo City Council approved the first three readings of housing agreements for new affordable housing projects in Nanaimo.
- By registering a Housing Agreement on title, the City ensures that the developments will provide affordable rental units.
- In total, these projects will deliver nearly 240 new, affordable rental units.
"This is an example of how the City of Nanaimo supports affordable housing in our community, and we commend the efforts of our non-profit housing sector to address the needs of those who have been left behind by the escalating cost of housing in our community. We anticipate supporting more projects that align with the City’s Affordable Housing Strategy over the coming years."
"This investment in our community will allow low income renters aged 65 and over to live with security of tenure and to have economic stability for the duration of their tenancy. We are excited to commence construction on this important addition to the stock of affordable housing run on a non-profit basis in Nanaimo and look forward to welcoming tenants into these two projects in the near future."
"Affordable and appropriate housing for our most vulnerable community members is a vital part of maintaining and enhancing their mental wellness."
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