Drinking water restrictions update
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 21, 2018 7:30 PM
As of 7:30 p.m. on December 21, 2018, power has been restored to the water treatment plant. The plant is running, but not yet at full capacity as crews continue work on resolving the malfunction in the control system. Residents and businesses are advised to continue to limit water consumption. The public's efforts today to reduce consumption has made a significant impact in keeping water levels maintained.
The City will provide an update again in the morning. Please check www.nanaimo.ca and follow "CityofNanaimo" on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates.
Link to Strategic Plan: n/a
Key Points
- Water is safe to drink.
- Residents and business are asked to curtail water use to preserve supply for fire protection.
- City pools and arenas remain closed until further notice.
- Follow the City's social media channels and check www.nanaimo.ca for updates.
"We want to thank everyone for their effort today in reducing water consumption across the community. Because of these efforts, consumption has been reduced to approximately 50 per cent of our daily average which has allowed us to keep the plant online while we work to resolve the issue."
Quick Facts
- At 4:00 a.m. on December 21, 2018, generators in the City of Nanaimo's water treatment plant suffered a breakdown. Plant operators were able to restore generator power however, a number of critical faults within the plant have been interrupting production.
- The City's Emergency Operations Centre has been activated and staff have prepared contingency plans in the event that the treatment plant does not return to full operating capacity soon.
- The pools are unable to meet health and safety regulations people are required to shower prior to entering the pool. The arenas are unable to clean the ice.
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