Recent windstorm clean-up and tips for residents
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 24, 2018 3:48 PM
The City of Nanaimo has some advice to offer residents to help with the proper disposal of both branches and yard debris left on personal property in the wake of the recent windstorm. The City also has suggestions for disposing of refrigerated food that may have spoiled for residents that went through a loss of power to their homes.
City crews have cleared the roads and created stockpiles at the roadside which will be picked up over the next few weeks. For branches and debris on personal property, residents have a few options for cleanup.
Leaves and light trimmings (less than 5mm in diameter) can be disposed of in the green organics cart. Please be careful not to pack it in so tight that it won't empty when the truck tips it. DO NOT put larger branches into the green cart for pickup, as the composting plant can't process it and your cart won't be picked up on collection day.
Larger tree branches and debris can be taken to one of Nanaimo's local depots. Please remember that tipping fees will apply. Local depots include Alpine Disposal and Recycling, the Regional Landfill, DBL Disposal, Pacific Coast Waste Management, MacNutt Enterprises and Sharecost Rentals & Sales.
For residents that have gone through extended power outages, refrigerated food waste may be an issue. Spoiled food can be disposed of in your green organics cart. Remember to remove all packaging from the food as plastic, styrofoam and other non-paper packing materials are not compostable. Spoiled food is also accepted at the Regional Landfill. Tipping fees will apply.
Most City of Nanaimo parks & trails are now open to the public. Two parks remain closed; Beban Park Golf Course Trail and the Parkway Trail. Crews have been unable to clear the large debris from these locations.
Link to Strategic Plan: Taking responsibility to be an excellent municipal government.
Key Points
- With the extensive damage done to roadside trees during the most recent windstorm, the City expects cleanup efforts to continue well into January.
- Residents can use their green carts for the disposal of leaves and light trimmings less than 5mm in diameter, as well as spoiled food (without packaging) resulting from power outages.
- Larger tree branches and debris can be taken to one of Nanaimo's local depots. A list of drop-off locations can be found on the City's website.
"The unprecedented wind storm last Thursday has created quite a mess. The City has been working closely with BC Hydro, Shaw Cable and Telus to ensure all utility lines have been powered down and are safe before City crews open roadways. Biggs Rd at Deerwood Estates still remains closed, otherwise all other City roadways are open. The community has really pulled together throughout this major storm event and the we appreciate everyone's efforts and cooperation during the clean-up stage."
"Most parks and trails are open and ready for use. We ask that the public enjoy the parks during the holiday season but please continue to use caution as many parks still have debris remaining from the windstorm."
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