2019 Temporary Outdoor Public Art Selections Approved

Council approves ten new pieces of temporary public art for 2019

On December 17, 2018, Council approved ten new pieces of public art as part of the 2019 Temporary Outdoor Public Art Program. A total of 28 submissions were received from a variety of artists and teams across Canada in response to a "Call for Artists" issued by the City of Nanaimo's Purchasing Department. The following artworks were approved:

OUT FROM OUT WHERE - Bryan Faubert SPRING - Clasina Van Bemmel THE RAVEN'S KEY - Fred Dobbs OCEAN IN MOTION - Fred Dobbs THE CONVERSATION BENCH - Samuel Camp EXHAUSTED TREE - George Sabra TRANSITIONS - Angellos Glaros QUOTES - Maije Lavergne THE NANAIMO LEAP PROJECT - Marc Walter FISH WHEEL - Trinita Waller

The new artworks will be installed throughout the City in May of 2019 as part of Public Art Week.

"Public art enhances community and place, celebrating our past, present and future", said Chris Barfoot, Culture & Heritage Coordinator. "Community members are constantly commenting on how public art adds visual interest and vibrancy to our public spaces."

Since 2010, the City of Nanaimo has been involved in a dynamic and evolving temporary public art program that enhances and animates our City’s parks. Each year, outdoor artwork is installed on a temporary basis for the enjoyment of residents and visitors. City parks and spaces essentially become outdoor art galleries and showcase artworks for a limited period of time.



Chris Barfoot
Culture & Heritage Coordinator
City of Nanaimo
Main Office
Community & Cultural Planning
City of Nanaimo

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