Review Process for City’s 2019-2023 Financial Plan Nears Completion


The Finance and Audit Committee will review the final 2019–2023 Financial Plan on Wednesday, April 10, 2019. The meeting is open to the public and will be held at 9:00 am in the boardroom of the Service and Resource Centre, located at 411 Dunsmuir Street.

Updates to the City's Financial Plan include all changes made since Council's approval of the provisional 2019-2023 Financial Plan on January 14, 2019. Following review at this Finance and Audit Committee meeting, the Financial Plan and Property Tax bylaws will be brought in front of Council for consideration at their meeting on April 29.

Information about the 2019–2023 Financial Plan is available on the City’s website under the Finance and Audit Committee agenda.

Link to Strategic Plan: n/a

Key Points

  • The final 2019-2023 Financial Plan will be reviewed by the Finance and Audit Committee on April 10
  • The Financial Plan and Property Tax bylaws will be presented to Council on April 29


"The Financial Plan highlights projects that support making Nanaimo an inclusive, healthy and desirable place to live. That includes new cycling lanes, construction of Phase 1 of the Harewood Youth Park, Maffeo Sutton's playground revitalization and the Waterfront Walkway at 1 Port Drive."

Acting Director, Financial Services
City of Nanaimo


Laura Mercer
Acting Director, Financial Services
City of Nanaimo

Print News Release

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