City of Nanaimo Water Conservation Update
Nanaimo Remains at Stage 2 Restrictions
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed June 7, 2019 3:30 PM
On Friday, June 7, 2019, the Province of B.C. moved Vancouver Island to a Level 3 Drought Ranking ‘Very Dry’. The City of Nanaimo is continuing with Stage 2 Watering Restrictions (every other day watering) which have been in effect since May 1, 2019. Residents are urged to take voluntary action to reduce water use in an effort to avoid and/or defer the need for further restrictions.
The decision by the province to increase the drought ranking was prompted by very low flows in most rivers and streams on the island and dry weather conditions which are expected to continue. Snow pack accumulation was 50 per cent below normal this winter, but that snow has already melted with the early warm spring weather. Long-range forecasts predict a summer that is warmer and drier than average. The City supports the province's call for practising water conservation, particularly with discretionary outdoor water use.
The City's water supply at Jump Lake is at its normal storage level for this time of year. It is anticipated there will be sufficient water for summer time use. For more information on watering restrictions visit
Link to Strategic Plan: Water Conservation, and treating water as a shared resource.
Key Points
- The Provincial 'Drought Level' is not related and should not be confused with the City and Regional District of Nanaimo's Watering Restriction Stages.
- It is important that everyone maintain a conservation focus to preserve our precious drinking water and avoid further restrictions. Conserving water voluntarily helps leave more water in the Nanaimo River for fish habitat and recreational use.
- The City is part of Team WaterSmart - a region-wide initiative that focuses on water conservation, and uniform communications, including a common framework to define watering restriction stages.
- Similar to previous years, the City encourages residents to let their lawns go golden. Outdoor watering uses twice the water compared to winter time use.
"We are pleased to report that the Jump Lake reservoir is at full storage capacity and within normal levels for this time of year. However, due to the early warm spell it is in everyone’s best interest to help conserve water to ensure fisheries release flows, fire fighting storage and domestic demands can be sustained throughout the summer."
Quick Facts
- At Stage 2, you may water on even days for even-numbered houses and on odd days for odd-numbered houses. Sprinkling is permitted for two hours between 7-10 am or 7-10 pm. Vegetable gardens and fruit trees are exempt from watering restrictions as are businesses which require water for operations.
- The City, along with all water suppliers in the mid-Island area, developed a common framework for communicating watering restriction Stages.
- The Provincial Drought Level - currently at Level 3 Very Dry - is a means for the Province to communicate stream flow conditions to the public. The City supports the Province's message of water conservation by all users.
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