City rolls out updated organizational structure

Realignment aims to build capacity, support Council's strategic plan


Council has endorsed a new plan to restructure City operations. At their meeting on July 8, 2019, Chief Administrative Officer Jake Rudolph presented Council with an updated organizational structure for the City. The changes are meant to realign certain sections with City departments to better deliver on Council’s strategic plan as well as rebuild capacity in areas that were affected by cuts over the last number of years.

The new structure will see the implementation of General Managers heading up Corporate Services, Development Services, Engineering and Public Works and Parks, Recreation and Culture.

Realignments include:

• Engineering and Public Works will oversee Engineering Projects, Municipal Infrastructure, Transportation, Energy and Facility Assets, Utilities, Sanitation and Recycling, Fleet, Water Resources and Roads and Traffic.

• Parks, Recreation and Culture will oversee Parks Operations, Recreation, Culture and Facility Operations and Maintenance.

• Development Services will oversee Community Development (Community Planning, Real Estate, Bylaw Enforcement, Business Licensing, Economic Development) and Development Approvals (Building Inspection, Subdivisions, Engineering and Environment, Current Planning).

• Corporate Services will oversee Finance, Information Technology, Police Services and Emergency Management.

The updated organizational chart can be found at

Link to Strategic Plan: Developing a culture of excellence around governance, management and cost-effective service delivery by ensuring we are structured and resourced for expeditious, high quality decision making and action within our risk framework.

Key Points

  • The new structure is expected to deliver on Council’s new Strategic Plan and build needed capacity to manage the needs of the organization and a growing community.
  • Initial changes to the organizational restructure were implemented July 2, 2019, with the plan to be completed as positions are filled.
  • This new structure is similar to how other municipalities are organized.


"Organizational structure is important to good governance, delivery of services and attracting talented staff. This is a rebuilding phase for the City where the goal is to resource ourselves accordingly to effectively and efficiently deliver on the expectations of Council and citizens."

Chief Administrative Officer
City of Nanaimo

"Council fully supports Mr. Rudolph as he implements the changes to the organizational structure. We are confident it will allow him and our staff to properly manage the needs of our growing community."

City of Nanaimo


Jake Rudolph
Chief Administrative Officer
City of Nanaimo

Print News Release

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