Jake Rudolph to remain as CAO
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed July 16, 2019 2:30 PM
Mayor and Council are pleased to announce that Mr. Jake Rudolph will remain as the Chief Administrative Officer for the City on a continuing basis.
The revised employment agreement provides a salary increase to $275,900 effective January 1, 2020 as well as changes to other terms and conditions. The contract also provides for annual performance reviews from Council.
Prior to joining the City one year ago today, Mr. Rudolph held senior positions in a number of local governments including Fredericton, Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows and Abbotsford. He holds two Masters degrees and currently serves as the First Vice President of the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators.
Since joining the City of Nanaimo, Mr. Rudolph has led a number of initiatives including the closure of Discontent City, development of a new Strategic Plan with Council and introduction of a new Council Governance and Priorities Committee.
Link to Strategic Plan: Taking responsibility to be an excellent municipal government.
Key Points
- Council has officially appointed Mr. Rudolph as the City's CAO
- July 16, 2019 marks one year since Mr. Rudolph joined the City of Nanaimo
"Council has been impressed by Mr. Rudolph’s leadership and professionalism in working with everyone at the City as we face exciting challenges in a period of rapid change."
"I very much look forward to continuing in my role as Chief Administrative Officer. The City is moving forward in a very positive, strategic path and I am pleased to have an opportunity to serve Council and lead the administration going forward."
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