Help make Nanaimo a sustainable city

Call for applications to the Environment Committee


Residents interested in environmental sustainability will have the opportunity to shape City policy and decision making by joining the newly-formed Environment Committee. Consisting of two members of Council and seven members of the public, the committee's purpose is to offer innovative ideas and provide advice to Council on climate change, green technology, energy efficiency, urban forestry and other topics associated with environmental sustainability in the City of Nanaimo.

Those interested in joining the committee are encouraged to visit the City website to review the terms of reference before submitting an application to Legislative Services by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, August 16, 2019. The committee is expected to begin meeting fall 2019.

For more information about the Environment Committee and to download an application form, please visit the City’s website at

Link to Strategic Plan: Taking a leadership role and focus on our environmental impact and climate change contributions in our decision making and regional participation.

Key Points

  • The Environment Committee will focus on providing policy direction to meet the objectives under the Environmental Responsibility priority in Council's 2019-2022 Strategic Plan.
  • The term of office for the Environment Committee position is a two year term, ending December 31, 2022 or as directed by Council.
  • Interested residents must submit a completed application form by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, August 16, 2019 to the Legislative Services department, 455 Wallace Street, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5J6 or email
  • Appplications will be accepted July 29 - August 16, 2019.


"This is an opportunity for members of the community to bring their unique perspective on how Nanaimo can respond to the City's climate emergency declaration and become a sustainable city. We are hoping to have a diverse group of residents who are passionate about environmental sustainability or have a background working in the field join the committee."

Director, Legislative Services
City of Nanaimo


Sheila Gurrie
Director, Legislative Services
City of Nanaimo

Print News Release

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