Age-Friendly City Plan to Benefit Nanaimo Residents of All Ages and Abilities

City to apply to Province for official age-friendly community designation


According to the 2016 census, Nanaimo has nearly 23,000 residents over the age of 65, representing about 23% of the total population. This number is expected to increase over the next decade, and seniors will represent an even larger percentage of Nanaimo’s residents.

At the July 22, 2019 Regular Council Meeting, Nanaimo Council endorsed the Age-Friendly City Plan brought forward by the Nanaimo Seniors Task Force. The plan outlines strategies in nine areas impacting seniors’ well-being in Nanaimo, and was developed through a partnership between Nanaimo Family Life Association, the City of Nanaimo and the Nanaimo Seniors Task Force. Development has been ongoing since June 2018, with more than 500 seniors consulted and surveyed throughout the plan’s creation.

As the title ‘Age-Friendly’ suggests, the plan, while focusing on removing barriers to a fulfilling life for seniors, will also improve accessibility, social connection, and well-being for Nanaimo residents of all ages.

Following Council's endorsement of the plan, the City of Nanaimo submitted an application to the Province of BC for official recognition as an Age-friendly British Columbia (AFBC) community. Since 2012, 45 communities have received the AFBC Recognition.

Link to Strategic Plan: The Age-Friendly Community Plan supports the strategic theme of Livability.

Key Points

  • The Age-Friendly City Plan was developed by the Nanaimo Seniors Task Force in partnership with Nanaimo Family Life Association and the City of Nanaimo.
  • Following Council's endorsement of the Plan on July 22, 2019, the City of Nanaimo has submitted an application to the Province of BC for Age-Friendly BC Community designation.
  • Now that the plan is complete and has been presented, the Nanaimo Seniors Task Force will turn its attention to coordinating action on the strategies contained in the plan.


"The City has been pleased to partner with the Nanaimo Seniors Task Force, and we want to recognize the excellent and ongoing work of these volunteers in making our community better for everyone."

City of Nanaimo

"The Nanaimo Seniors Task Force is proud to play a leading role in both the development and implementation of the Age-Friendly City Plan. The strategies outlined in the Plan will increase the quality of life for residents of all ages across Nanaimo."

Nanaimo Seniors Task Force


Karin Kronstal
Social Planner
City of Nanaimo

Print News Release

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