City of Nanaimo and Port of Nanaimo Sign Protocol Agreement

JOINT NEWS RELEASE - Distributed October 28, 2019 10:08 AM
The Port of Nanaimo has renewed its commitment to work closely with the City of Nanaimo by formalizing a new Protocol agreement.
The agreement formalizes both parties’ commitment to “a true, meaningful and transformative relationship that is designed to deepen the understanding for one another based on respect for each other’s area of jurisdiction.”
Implementation of the Agreement includes revising and utilizing the City/Port Liaison Committee, which will include two members from the Port and the City plus additional staff, and a commitment to meet at least twice a year to discuss priorities, interests and initiatives.
It also establishes “an effective and collaborative relationship between the Parties and a process and understandings that will advance shared opportunities, agreements and mutual benefits.”
The most recent Protocol Agreement was signed in 2004.
Port of Nanaimo Board Chair Donna Hais notes that previously, Protocol Agreements were more project specific, but this one is intended to strengthen the relationship between the Port and the City.
“We wanted a protocol agreement to define how we will work together as community partners, and I personally am very excited about the agreement,” she says. “I believe it marks a new day in our relationship with the City and shows a willingness to work together and move the interests of Nanaimo as a community forward. It is all part of building a stronger, more unified Nanaimo.”
Nanaimo Mayor Leonard Krog says “The agreement formalizes the strong new relationship with our Port and speaks to the incredible sense of optimism and opportunity felt across the City. Nanaimo is entering a period of unprecedented development and partnerships like this will make that happen. I am excited by the benefits that our citizens and our businesses will enjoy from this positive step.”
Annually, the Port of Nanaimo’s economic impacts are estimated to be 6,400 jobs, $350 million in wages, $585 million in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and $1.24 billion in economic output.
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