City of Nanaimo Seeks Input on Downtown Mobility Hub Project
Second Engagement Commences November
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed November 5, 2019 12:00 PM
The City of Nanaimo is asking the public for input on the Nanaimo Downtown Mobility Hub Project. The project aims to improve multi-modal transportation in the City’s core by developing short-term solutions that could be built within the next five years. Focus areas include intersections, cycling, transit, and parking with the goal of taking concrete steps towards a safe, accessible, inclusive, and interconnected downtown transportation network.
Since spring, the City has been working to develop initial concepts that reflect priorities from previous planning projects and public input. The project follows from previous studies including Nanaimo’s Transportation Master Plan developed in 2014 and the Port Drive Waterfront Master Plan developed in 2018.
Throughout November, the public is invited to learn more about initial concepts, share ideas, and provide their input into the evaluation process. Feedback is important at this early concept stage to understand what needs to be addressed before design is advanced.
A public workshop will be held on Wednesday, November 20 at the Coast Bastion Hotel from 5 pm to 7:30 pm. A presentation will be made at 5:30 pm followed by discussions. Interested participants are asked to RSVP by emailing by November 18. Also watch for updates around town including online information and pop-ups at locations in the community.
For more information about the Project please visit
Link to Strategic Plan: To be a community that is livable, environmentally sustainable and full of opportunity for all generations and walks of life.
Key Points
- Residents are invited to provide input on initial concepts, based on previous public input.
- Public workshop will take place Wednesday, November 20 at the Coast Bastion Hotel from 5-7:30 pm. Please RSVP at
- Focus areas of Downtown Mobility Hub Project include intersections, cycling, transit, and parking with the goal of taking concrete steps towards a safe, accessible, inclusive, and interconnected downtown transportation network.
"A key goal of the Nanaimo Downtown Mobility Hub Project is to prioritize walking and cycling movements, supporting a shift in our downtown transportation system from a car-oriented system to one that is more multi-modal and sustainable – a system that will move downtown into the future."
"We encourage you to get involved. The City needs public input to help evaluate initial concepts and learn about key issues or concerns to be addressed as the projects are advanced."
Quick Facts
- The Downtown Nanaimo Mobility Hub focuses on an 800 m radius around the intersection of Terminal Avenue and Commercial Street.
- The City wants to confirm the issues and opportunities for the Downtown Mobility Hub and understand public priorities so that the City can select and ultimately develop projects that make concrete progress towards the envisioned future for Nanaimo’s downtown – a strong, sustainable, and economically prosperous hub.
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