Living History Speaker series returns for one big night
Free speaker event to be held on November 19th at the Conference Centre
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed November 12, 2019 1:04 PM
The City of Nanaimo and Seniors Connect are thrilled to announce that the popular Living History Speakers program will return for a celebration event on November 19th from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. The event will be held in the Shaw Auditorium of the Vancouver Island Conference Centre (80 Commercial Street). The popular speaker series features prominent Nanaimo residents sharing their stories of living and moving to Nanaimo. The event is an opportunity for Nanaimo residents to learn from and hear entertaining stories from other residents. To date the City has hosted 19 separate events since 2016 with a total attendance of more than 1700 participants.
This years theme is Choosing Nanaimo. Speakers include Joan Brown, Chief Administrative Officer with Snuneymuxw First Nation; Gunter Gutsche, an 89 year old long boarder and post war German immigrant; and Craig Taylor local author (Londoners and Return to Akenfield), to be introduced by Carol Matthews, local author (Questions for Ariadne, Minerva’s Owl). The event will include a celebration of past speaker series events. A reception will follow including video highlights of past speakers and light refreshments. Age Friendly Nanaimo and the City of Nanaimo will also be present before and after the event with information on the City's recently adopted Age Friendly Plan and an opportunity to sign up to recieve information on the upcoming Official Community Plan Review.
Link to Strategic Plan: Livability- Be a City in which all people live, work, play, create and learn in a safe and connected community
Key Points
- The Living History speaker series will return for one night only on November 19th from 6:30 to 8pm at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre.
- This is a free event. Everyone is welcome to attend.
"This Living History event is a special celebration of the past 19 speaker series events held since 2016. This free event, is a wonderful opportunity for community members to hear fascinating stories of the personal histories of people living in our community and about why Nanaimo is a special place to them."
Print News Release
Event Information
Start time: | Tue, Nov 19, 6:30 PM |
End time: | Tue, Nov 19, 8:00 PM |
Location: | Vancouver Island Conference Centre |
Add this event to your calendar | |
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