City seeking feedback on short-term rental accommodation
Open house regarding short-term rental regulations scheduled for November 21
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed November 14, 2019 9:35 AM
The City of Nanaimo is currently reviewing its Zoning and Business License regulations as they relate to short-term rentals and bed and breakfast (B&B) accommodation. Short-term rentals refers to the rental of a room or an entire residential dwelling unit on a temporary basis (i.e., less than 30 days) often through an online platform such as Air B&B, HomeAway or Vacation Rentals By Owner (VRBO).
This work is a direct recommendation of the City of Nanaimo’s Affordable Housing Strategy (AHS), adopted by Council on September 17, 2018. The review will also address requests from hotel operators to require licensing for B&B’s, and to respond to gaps in the City’s existing regulations that do not address the potential social and economic impacts of short-term rental accommodation.
If bylaw changes are required to address short-term rentals in Nanaimo, recommendations will be brought to Council for final consideration.
As part of the review, the City wants to hear from residents, property owners, business owners and short-term rental and B&B operators. Residents are encouraged to attend an Open House on November 21 from 5pm to 7pm at the Departure Bay Kin Hut (2730 Departure Bay Road). Please visit the City's website for more information.
Link to Strategic Plan: Livability- Implement the Affordable Housing Strategy (short term rentals and adaptable housing regulations)
Key Points
- The City of Nanaimo is reviewing zoning and business regulations related to short term rental and bed and breakfast accommodation.
- A drop-in open house regarding short term rental and B&B regulations is scheduled for November 21 from 5pm to 7pm at the Kin Hut at Departure Bay (2730 Departure Bay Rd). City of Nanaimo residents, property owners and business owners are encouraged to attend.
"Nanaimo is a desirable City to live in and visit; as such the demand for short term accommodation and rental housing is growing. Reviewing zoning and business license regulations as they relate to short term rentals is an important action within the Affordable Housing Strategy and Strategic Plan. Council is eager to hear from residents, property owners and other local stakeholders regarding how the City can best regulate the growth of short term rentals and bed and breakfasts in our community."
Quick Facts
- 2018 Air DNA statistics document up to 620 short-term rental listings in Nanaimo. Over two-thirds of those listings were for an entire home, with the remainder listed as private room rentals. 86% of entire home listings were rented for less than half a year and 61% for less than 90 nights a year.
- Tourism Nanaimo’s Summer 2017 profile reported that 10% of Nanaimo visitors who stayed overnight in Nanaimo stayed in a vacation rental or guest house. The average length of stay is 5.1 days.
- Nanaimo’s current rental vacancy rate of 2.4% (November 2018) is well below the 5% threshold indicator of a healthy rental housing market. This demonstrates that there is a continued need for more long-term rental housing in Nanaimo.
Print News Release
Event Information
Start time: | Thu, Nov 21, 5:00 PM |
End time: | Thu, Nov 21, 7:00 PM |
Location: | Kin Hut, Departure Bay (2730 Departure Bay Road_ |
Add this event to your calendar | |
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