Metral Drive redesign is about to be unveiled
Gas Tax funding helps accelerate Complete Streets project
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed November 27, 2019 12:30 PM
Metral Drive is set to showcase how the City of Nanaimo’s Complete Street guidelines positively impact a real-world project. Plans are underway to transform Metral Drive from a traditional suburban street into a modern, multi-use corridor. The City invites residents to view the draft plans at an open house on Wednesday, November 27 from 4:30 - 7 p.m. in the Pleasant Valley Social Hall (6100 Doumont Road).
This opportunity comes as Metral Drive faces an aging watermain needing replacement, limited rainwater infrastructure and a road surface in need of re-paving. The project will bundle these upgrades and replace drinking water and storm drainage infrastructure, along with transportation upgrades including separated cycling and pedestrian facilities, treed boulevards, transit stops, LED street lighting, and better intersections.
The Metral Drive project will extend cycling and pedestrian facilities from the E&N Trail at Mostar Road to Aulds Road and the Woodgrove area. The estimated total cost is anticipated to range between $11.5 and 13.5 million when it is completed in 2022. A total of $8.3 million will come from the Community Works Fund, administered by the Union of BC Municipalities. This is a joint Federal-Provincial funding program designed to support infrastructure at the community level. For 2019, there was additional funding made available from this program that provided the opportunity to complete the works sooner than originally planned.
Design plans for the project will be added to the website on November 29, 2019.
Link to Strategic Plan: Livability, Environmental Responsibility, Governance Excellence
Key Points
- The Metral Drive Project open house takes place on Wednesday, November 27 at the Pleasant Valley Social Hall from 4:30 - 7 p.m.
- Metral Drive will be Nanaimo's first Complete Street and full corridor upgrade.
"This is a perfect example of the City taking full advantage of an opportunity to create something that puts the City of Nanaimo at the forefront of appropriate and modern design. All of the circumstances aligned to give the City an opportunity to create a modern street that respects active transportation and allows for easy access and safe routes for pedestrians and cyclists and also enhances the beauty of the area. By approving the Metral Drive project, it shows that as a Council, we are fully committed to active and safe transportation for everyone in this community."
"Metral Drive is a busy corridor and ready for positive change. It’s a perfect opportunity to encourage alternative transportation by incorporating universal and multi-modal design features into a corridor receiving various utility upgrades. This is the first of what will be many complete streets in Nanaimo."
"Staff are excited for the Metral Drive Complete Street - it's an example of multiple departments working together to upgrade aging infrastructure and in the process, striving for livability and environmental responsibility."
Quick Facts
- Complete Streets is a set of transportation design guidelines that consider safe and convenient travel options for users of all ages, abilities, and modes of transportation, including walking, cycling, public transit, and traditional driving.
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