Need child care? The City and its partners want to hear from you!
The Mid Island Child Care Planning Collaborative is looking for feedback.
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed December 3, 2019 11:00 AM
The City of Nanaimo has partnered with the District of Lantzville, City of Parksville, Town of Qualicum Beach and the Regional District of Nanaimo to undertake a study of child care needs in our community. With financial support from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) the collaborative has hired a consultant to prepare a child care needs assessment for the region. The assessment will study regional child care capacity and needs for children between 0 and 12 years old.
To support the project, the Mid Island Child Care Planning Collaborative was established to study child care requirements in Lantzville, Nanaimo, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Regional District of Nanaimo and Snuneymuxw, Snaw- Naw-As and Qualicum Nations. The collaborative includes representatives from Municipal and First Nation Governments, School Districts 68 and 69, non-profits, child care providers and educators. The collaborative wants to hear from parents, caregivers and expected parents in the mid island region, regarding child care needs and priorities.
Those who have a child receiving child care or are expecting a child and anticipate needing child care in the future are asked to fill out a short survey to support the study. A separate survey has also been created for child care providers and employees. Links to both surveys can be found at
Link to Strategic Plan: Livability: "Be a City in which all people live, work, play, create and learn in a safe and connected community"
Key Points
- The Mid Island Collaborative wants to hear from parents, caregivers and child care providers regarding child care in the Nanaimo/Oceanside region.
- The City of Nanaimo has partnered with neighbouring local governments, First Nation Governments, school districts 68 and 69, non-profits, child care providers and educators to create a strategic, coordinated approach to increasing access to affordable and appropriate child care through the creation of new child care spaces in our community.
"The City of Nanaimo is pleased to be part of such a large and diverse collaborative study within the region in order to support parents and caregivers. We encourage everyone in need of or providing child care to participate in this important survey."
Print News Release
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