Maffeo Sutton Playground Getting Upgrades
Improvements include inclusive play space for our community
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed February 5, 2020 2:00 PM
The City of Nanaimo, Children's Health Foundation of Vancouver Island, Nanaimo Child Development Centre and other community organizations have partnered to increase inclusive play spaces as one of Nanaimo's most popular destination playgrounds gets upgrades.
The newly installed equipment will not only be inclusive for all members of our community, but it will help to improve motor, cognitive and social skills through active play.
The playground will also get improved safety surfacing. The current pea gravel will be replaced with wood fibre while the play structures will be surrounded with a rubber surfacing allowing those with mobility challenges easier and improved access throughout the area.
Another exciting feature of the playground will include First Nations art pieces created by local artist, Noel Brown. Through his art and the design of the space, a story will unfold that depicts life along the Millstone River with Coho salmon as some of the characters.
Work on the playground is expected to be completed by spring of 2020.
Link to Strategic Plan: Providing enhancements to our play spaces supports a livable community.
Key Points
- Work on Maffeo Sutton Park began in January 2020 with the project expected to be completed by spring.
- The Maffeo Sutton Playground retrofit will improve the community's access to inclusive playgrounds.
"The partnership between the City of Nanaimo, the Children's Health Foundation of Vancouver Island and the Nanaimo Child Development Centre will greatly improve the community's access to inclusive play areas. The City is very fortunate to work with these and other community organizations to improve Maffeo Sutton Playground."
"At the Nanaimo Child Development Centre we are very excited and extremely grateful to the City of Nanaimo and the Children’s Health Foundation for getting behind this project and moving it ahead. The benefits of this development will impact people of all ages and add to the richness of the fabric of social life in Nanaimo. We want to express our appreciation and gratitude to everyone who was and is part of this initiative to create accessibility, celebrate inclusion and build our community."
"We are honoured to be part of this project at Maffeo Sutton Park. Our contribution of $100,000 was made possible by the generosity of a donor whose wish was to ensure kids with all abilities have access to play in an inclusive space. We know this playground is such a staple in the City of Nanaimo and are excited to see it come to fruition thanks to our wonderful community partners."
Quick Facts
- There are several phases to the overall playground project at Maffeo Sutton Park. Phase one will feature inclusive playground equipment geared for children 5 to 12 years.
- This project is a partnership between the City of Nanaimo, Children's Health Foundation of Vancouver Island, the Nanaimo Child Development Centre and other community contributors.
- Children's Health Foundation of Vancouver Island's vision is to ensure all Island families have access to the health care they need. It aims to help transform the lives of children and youth living with physical and mental health challenges.
- The Nanaimo Child Development Centre's mandate is to provide individualized services for children and their families that promote optimum child development. They have been serving the community since 1967.
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