Grow with us in 2020
Spring & Summer Activity Guide is ready for pick up
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed February 26, 2020 2:30 PM
City of Nanaimo Parks, Recreation & Culture have put together another fantastic Spring and Summer Activity Guide to help keep you and your families active. You can view it on-line now and the guides have arrived early and are being distributed for pick up at City recreation centres, libraries, local malls and grocery stores. Registration for all programs opens Wednesday, March 4 at 6:00 am.
This season a new tag line "Grow with us" is being launched as Parks, Recreation & Culture grow right alongside the community offering programs for little ones, such as Baby Ballet, all the way to exercise programs for seniors. We also cultivate green growth with the addition of new parks and trails each year. The guide consists of activities and events for all ages at facilities and parks throughout Nanaimo, as well as information on other community programs and clubs. Look for new items such as free pop-up programs, evolve skate & skooter camp, gardening programs and more. Local favourites such tennis, dance, music, skating and summer camps are still available.
Mark your calendars. Registration begins Wednesday, March 4. We encourage you to "grow with us" and try something new!
Link to Strategic Plan: To be a community that is livable, environmentally sustainable and full of opportunity for all generations and walks of life.
Key Points
- Spring and Summer Activity Guides will be distributed for pick at City of Nanaimo recreation centres along with local grocery stores, malls and libraries by Friday, February 28, 2020.
- Registration for spring and summer programs opens on Wednesday, March 4 at 6:00 am. Registration can be done on-line, over the phone or in person following the opening times of individual recreation centres.
- View the guide on-line now and sign up for an on-line registration account at or call 250-756-5200 for assistance.
"We are pleased to launch the 2020 spring and summer edition and a new tag line that ties together the Recreation, Parks and Culture sides of the department. There is so much to learn and experience, we encourage you to sign up and try something new."
Print News Release
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