March 13 Update 2: City's Response to Global Impacts of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed March 13, 2020 4:17 PM
This year’s cold and flu season has certainly become more challenging due to the emergence of a new virus named “coronavirus disease 2019” (abbreviated “COVID-19”).
On behalf of Nanaimo City Council and staff, I want to start off by saying that we understand and empathize with the growing concerns surrounding COVID-19 around the globe and in our community.
As we have all seen, the situation regarding the impact of COVID-19 continues to evolve. Earlier this week City staff took a proactive approach and initiated operational readiness meetings. These meetings evolved to the activation of the Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC) at a level 1, so that key staff could begin identifying and planning for the various stages of the City’s response to COVID-19.
Over the weekend, City of Nanaimo staff will continue to actively monitor and respond to the direction and recommendations being made by the Government of Canada and the BC Provincial Health Officer. We will continue to communicate any updates about City operations or services when and if the situation changes.
Spring Break Camps and recreational classes run by the City will continue as planned as the number of participants, with a limited number of exceptions, are less than 250. Parks, Recreation and Cultural staff are in the process of contacting registrants about cancellations. City staff will continue to review all events and programs and take action consistent with the advice and recommendations of the Provincial Health Officer. Arenas and swimming pools will be limited to a capacity of 250 at any point in time but will remain open. All gatherings with 250 or more people will be cancelled or postponed, as per the Provincial Health Officer’s directive given on March 13, 2020.
Given that the City takes its direction from the Provincial Health Officer, we encourage all families to consider a scenario where the City has to cancel Spring Break Camps. If there are any cancellations to recreational programming, Parks, Recreation and Cultural staff will contact participants. You can also contact our switchboard to confirm if your program is running during business hours at 250-756-5200.
A reminder that an informational page called “City’s Response to COVID-19” has been created on the City’s website where updates regarding this matter are provided as information becomes available.
Jake Rudolph, Chief Administration Officer, City of Nanaimo
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