City of Nanaimo supports local economy through capital project investments
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed April 15, 2020 11:16 AM
The City is taking a measured financial approach during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure business continuity, while positioning the City to support rapid economic recovery.
Governments of all levels have often used major infrastructure initiatives aimed at stimulating the economy, especially during recessions or hard times. Such investments have a rippling affect allowing local companies to remain open, members of the community to continue to be employed, and for those that can, to purchase products or services which in turn have a positive impact on other industries.
The City’s 2020 Capital Plan drives projects of multiple sizes in all areas of the city. Approximately 90 per cent is funded from dedicated reserves, and 10 per cent is funded from general taxation. After a careful a review of the 2020 Capital Plan, Nanaimo City Council gave staff the direction to continue with “critical” and “important” capital infrastructure projects, which in turn will help with local economic stimulation.
Some of the critical projects for utilities, facilities and transportation are already underway or in the process of procurement.
Link to Strategic Plan: Council's strategic priority of economic health encourages a diverse and healthy economy now and into the future.
Key Points
- Building out the City's capital program in a measured way supports the local economy, continued employment in the community and sustainable funding for its facilities and infrastructure assets.
- The City is moving forward with projects categorized "critical" and "important", as these are needed due to capacity challenges and are investments in good asset stewardship. Examples include Fire Station #1 rebuild, the Millstone trunk sanitary sewer, the annual road repaving program and roof repairs at the Nanaimo Aquatic Centre.
- The City will continue to evaluate strategic projects against market conditions and financial viability.
- Currently, resource capacity is sufficient to continue the Capital Project Plan as it is currently planned. Continuing with the capital program supports the principle that Nanaimo is taking a measured approach to its response to the COVID-19 emergency and positioning the community for a strong recovery.
"Focusing on asset stewardship and maintenance is vital for the sustainability of City infrastructure, parks, buildings and roads. This is why the City continues to build out a robust capital program in a thoughtful manner. Council believes this best supports Nanaimo's economy, local employment and our recovery from the COVID downturn."
April 9, 2020 Information Report
COVID-19 and Capital Projects
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