City reminds parks users about unauthorized trails building
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed May 4, 2020 2:29 PM
The City of Nanaimo is aware of unauthorized mountain bike trail building activity in Linley Valley Park and reminds residents and parks users that the building of trails on any parkland is not permitted. Anyone engaged in this activity is asked to stop immediately and is advised that such activity is subject to fines under the Parks, Recreation and Culture Regulation Bylaw. Anyone who notices this activity is asked to contact Bylaw Services immediately.
Link to Strategic Plan: Conserving natural areas within City limits contributes to a community that is environmentally responsible.
Key Points
- Members of the public are encouraged to report illegal or suspicious activity by calling Bylaw Services at 250-755-4422. Any parks maintenance issues can be reported to Parks Operations at 250-755-7515.
- The City has been in touch with the established mountain bike clubs in Nanaimo who are not involved in this activity. It is thought that this activity is being undertaken by an individual or a small group of people unattached to established clubs.
- Unauthorized trail construction can negatively impact the environment through soil erosion and compaction, reduction in slope stability, impacts on water quality and flow, the spread of invasive plants and disruption of wildlife habitat and sensitive plant ecosystems.
- Unauthorized trails can pose a danger to parks users resulting in safety and liability issues.
"It's not ok to build unauthorized trails in any City park. Linley Valley Park is a natural green space in the heart of our City and is intended to be enjoyed and conserved as such. Anyone undertaking illegal trail building is asked to stop and will be subject to fines if caught. I'd ask anyone who spots this activity to please report it to Bylaw Services."
Quick Facts
- Linley Valley Park is a large green space located in North Nanaimo, much of which is designated as an Environmentally Sensitive Area. It consists of several parcels purchased by the City of Nanaimo between 2004 and 2014. Together, these properties total over 378 acres of publicly owned natural space surrounded by urban area.
- The park is zoned as Nature Park—PRC-1 to protect the natural values of the site. The park is currently used by the community for walking, running, rock climbing, dog walking, access to viewpoints, access to waterways (pond, creeks and a lake), nature appreciation and mountain bike riding.
- The City maintains over 170 kilometres of trail throughout the community. Many of these trails are developed and maintained in collaboration with properly authorized community groups.
- Some of Nanaimo's greatest assets are its public outdoor spaces. With over 880 hectares of City parks and 170 kilometres of trails, there is something for everyone to enjoy and discover. Nanaimo is home to some world class mountain biking trails and courses including the Steve Smith Bike Park.
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