City provides multiple options to pay property taxes
Pop-up tax office set up to accommodate in-person payments
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed May 25, 2020 12:00 PM
Nanaimo residents are encouraged to check their mailboxes and email accounts for their 2020 Property Tax notices that were sent out last week. City buildings such as the Service and Resource Centre may be closed to the public, but the City remains open for business including accepting property tax payments. Property owners can pay using one of the following methods:
- through their financial institution - online, telephone or in-person banking;
- dropping off a cheque payment in the drop box located outside the Service and Resource Centre (411 Dunsmuir Street); or
- by mailing a cheque payment using the postage-paid return envelope included in the tax notice package.
If a resident cannot access these payment methods or needs assistance, a pop-up tax payment office is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Beban Park at the Frank Crane Arena box office. Residents who choose to come in person are advised that due to COVID-19 safety protocols, only debit and cheques will be accepted as payment. To ensure the safety of staff and residents, a number of measures will be in place including physical distancing signage and markings as well as staff to ensure these measures are maintained. Anyone who is not feeling well should stay home and only one person per household may visit the office at any one time.
Property tax payments are due on July 2, 2020 and those who have the financial ability are encouraged to pay by the due date. However, to ease some pressure for those financially impacted by the pandemic, the penalty date for late tax payments has been extended to October 1, 2020.
Along with their tax notice, residents will find this year's City Updates newsletter where they can learn about the Provincial Tax Deferment program, claiming the Home Owner Grant and how taxes are calculated and used. The newsletter is also available to view on the City website at
For more information on this pop-up office and what to expect when paying in person, view the video attached to the online version of the news release or visit
Link to Strategic Plan: The City of Nanaimo encourages two-way communication with our Nanaimo residents especially in regards to property taxes. We are here to answer your questions. This contributes to "Governance Excellence" as one of four Council Priorities from the City’s 2019-2022 Strategic Plan.
Key Points
- July 2, 2020 is the due date for property taxes and, if eligible, to claim the Home Owner Grant. The late payment penalty date has been extended to October 1, 2020.
- A satellite tax office has been established at the Frank Crane Arena box office in Beban Park (2300 Bowen Road) for those wishing to pay property taxes in person. Hours of operation are from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Only cheque and debit payments will be accepted.
- Learn more about the Province of BC's Tax Deferment program at Please note: the the Province of BC processes new deferment applications and renewals through their online system. This means the City no longer accepts deferment applications on the Province's behalf.
"To ensure the safety of staff and residents, this year we are encouraging property owners to pay their taxes using online, phone or mail methods. For those who require assistance, we do have the cashless pop-up office open in Beban Park beginning Monday, May 25 which will have physical distancing measures in place. We kindly request that if you are not feeling well, please stay home until well."
Quick Facts
- The City of Nanaimo also collects taxes on behalf of the following government bodies and agencies: Regional District of Nanaimo, Vancouver Island Regional Library, Regional Hospital District, Nanaimo-Ladysmith School District #68, BC Assessment and the Municipal Finance Authority.
- BC Assessment is responsible for the valuation of properties within the City of Nanaimo. Visit for more information.
- The City owns in excess of $3 billion in infrastructure. The City maintains these assets using a number of resources including the general, sewer and water asset management reserve funds that were created in 2013.
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