City of Nanaimo CAO leads beyond the City
Jake Rudolph named President of Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed June 2, 2020 10:00 AM
The City of Nanaimo's Chief Administrative Officer has been elected as the new President of the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators (CAMA), following a term as CAMA's First Vice President. The election took place at CAMA's virtual annual general meeting on June 2, 2020.
Jake has been on the CAMA Board since 2014 and has served as chair for the Strategic Plan Review Committee, Awards Committee and CAO Employment Contract Toolkit Committee. He also served as a member of the Conference Committee and Code of Conduct Committee.
For Nanaimo, having the City's top manager be elected as the top leader of CAMA is a vote of confidence in his leadership skill, experience, wisdom and integrity. After all, CAMA’s primary role is to champion excellence in municipal administration for the benefit of Canada's communities. CAMA provides networking and professional development opportunities for its members to grow and develop their personal knowledge and skills, and that ultimately serves the public better.
Link to Strategic Plan: Governance Excellence: Developing a culture of excellence around management.
Key Points
- City of Nanaimo's CAO Jake Rudolph was elected as President of the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators at a virtual AGM held on June 2, 2020.
- Jake has been active on CAMA's board since 2014 and is succeeding Jeff Renaud, CAO for the Town of St. Stephen, NB as president for the new term. For the previous term, 2019-2020, Jake held the role of First Vice President for CAMA.
"Jake has over 30 years of municipal leadership experience and has proven himself in various municipalities over the years. He courageously took on this role when the City really needed help, and it comes as no surprise that the members of CAMA would recognize his skills and award him their top role as well. For Nanaimo, having our CAO in such a respected role will connect us to the success stories of other communities, and ultimately improve the strength of our own city during this pandemic."
"2020 is an unprecedented year, and it's an honour to be elected President of CAMA during these times. The global pandemic has forced new and innovative thinking, flexibility in how municipalities operate, and more than ever, the need to learn from each other and grow through this together. For this term, that's what CAMA will be all about - making sure that we all survive and excel through the next year ahead."
Quick Facts
- Jake's 38 year professional career includes over 30 years in management positions across the country. For the past 22 years Jake has held leadership roles in BC including Pitt Meadows, Abbotsford and Maple Ridge. He currently serves as Chief Administrative Officer with the City of Nanaimo.
- Jake is a life-long learner with a Master’s Degree in Planning, an MBA and has completed the Harvard Executive Leadership Program.
- CAMA is a private, 650-member national non-profit association open to all Chief Administrative Officers and City Managers as well as those who hold a senior management position that report directly to the CAO/City Manager.
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