What's "Growing on" at Beban Park?
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed June 12, 2020 10:00 AM
Horticulture staff from the City of Nanaimo Parks, Recreation and Culture department have planted a new vegetable demonstration garden in Beban Park. The garden features varieties of cucumbers, squash, corn, tomatoes, carrots, kale, beets and beans, which can be grown locally in small spaces. Each type of plant will be identified with interpretive signage so residents can learn more about them.
Many ongoing food production initiatives are taking place in City of Nanaimo parks. There are eight community gardens throughout the City, including Beaufort Community Garden, Beban Learning Gardens, Pawson Park Community Gardens and Forest Drive Gyro Park. For more information on the City’s Community Gardens, visit www.nanaimo.ca/goto/CommunityGardens.
Link to Strategic Plan: Educating residents how they can grow their own food develops food security for the region making Nanaimo a more livable and environmentally responsible community.
Key Points
- The Beban vegetable demonstration garden's purpose is to demonstrate some of the foods that can be grown locally in small spaces.
- The garden can be found near the Beban Social Centre on the Bowen Road side of the building.
- The garden bed used to be filled with roses but was cleared to make way for vegetables; a change that many residents may want to consider for themselves.
"The aim of the vegetable garden is to inspire residents and give an idea of what vegetables can be grown easily and locally. I hope we encourage those visiting the garden to consider locally grown food as an option for them and maybe even to grow their own vegetables. You don't need a large space. Many of the vegetables we are growing can even be cultivated in pots on a patio."
Quick Facts
- Locally grown food is available year-round at the Island Roots Market located at Beban Park. A limited outdoor market is presently available every Wednesday between 2 and 6 p.m. next to the Cliff McNabb Arena.
- The City of Nanaimo owns two potential sites for future food production; "5 Acre Farm" located at 933 Park Avenue, purchased in 2019 and East Wellington park, a 12.7 ha site which is located in the Agricultural Land Reserve. Planning goals include urban agriculture, environmental enhancement, flood mitigation and recreation.
- Adopted by Council in 2015, the Beban Park master plan supports showcasing and expanding productive landscapes at this busy site. The park is a designated regional agriculture destination and features many opportunities to expand agricultural uses and activities--especially in the centre of the park where the Vancouver Island Exhibition is held annually.
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