Nanaimo Fire Rescue applauds FireSmart efforts on Protection Island
Residents work together to increase community resiliency against wildfires
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed June 19, 2020 10:00 AM
Protection Island has increased its resiliency against wildfires after a week-long FireSmart event. The Protection Island FireSmart Board along with residents of Protection Island worked together to apply FireSmart principles to homes and properties on the island community.
Efforts to reduce the risk of wildfires spreading on Protection Island included clearing dry brush and debris from around houses and other buildings. In total, approximately 75 tonnes of potential wildfire fuel such as invasive species and large wood debris were cleared. A wood chipper and crew spent three days converting approximately 35 tonnes of the cleared debris into usable chips, which homeowners will use on their properties for various projects.
Funding for this event was provided by the City of Nanaimo through the Community Resiliency Investment Fund. A number of resources including videos, landscaping guides and a FireSmart home manual can be found on FireSmart BC's website,
Link to Strategic Plan: Strengthening our community resiliency through partnerships between community groups and local government supports the goals of good governance and livability.
Key Points
- This is the first FireSmart Event organized by the Protection Island FireSmart Board
- This inaugural event is in addition to the continuing ongoing work completed annually in Protection Island parks by Parks maintenance staff.
- Nanaimo Fire Rescue supports FireSmart community champions to assist them in establishing FireSmart programs in their neighbourhoods.
- The City of Nanaimo has been recognized as a FireSmart community.
"This is another great example of a neighbourhood working together to reduce the risks of wildfires through using FireSmart principles. Special thanks to MJR Tree Service, Wardill Marine and Milner Trucking for their contributions to this event."
Quick Facts
- Structure-to-structure ignition caused by a wildfire can quickly tax fire department resources.

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