City asks residents to REIMAGINE NANAIMO
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed July 21, 2020 12:15 PM
The City of Nanaimo is kicking off REIMAGINE NANAIMO, a comprehensive engagement process to reimagine Nanaimo’s next 20 years. REIMAGINE NANAIMO is an integrated process that will support the creation of several guiding plans through one streamlined engagement process. The process is intended to understand what matters most to the Nanaimo community and use these insights to set a future destination.
The City will engage the public on a wide range of connected topics including land use and neighbourhoods, climate change, the economy, active transportation, parks, recreation, and culture and more. Input will be used to inform an update of the Official Community Plan; an update of the Parks, Recreation, and Culture Plan; and creation of an Economic Development Plan, Climate Action Plan, Active Transportation Plan and Water Supply Strategic Plan.
From now until September, the City will be engaging with the public through fun and interactive online activities including questionnaires, videos, social media, weekly topic discussions, kids activities, online workshops and a Creative Community Contest with prizes. Project representatives will also be in select locations around town with community pop-ups and input stations, following physical distancing guidelines. The City will be reaching out to stakeholders and community leaders to help spread the word and connect with people who may not have participated in a process like this before.
Interested participants can visit to learn more about the process and to complete a questionnaire about what matters most to them for Nanaimo’s future. Questions or comments can be submitted at any time by emailing or by contacting the City at 250-755-4464.
Link to Strategic Plan: The REIMAGINE NANAIMO process and associated plan updates will directly support the Stategic Plan's vision for Nanaimo to be livable, environmentally sustainable and full of opportunity for all generations and walks of life, and more specifically support the Plan's Environmental Responsibility, Governance Excellence, Livability and Economic Health goals.
Key Points
- The REIMAGINE NANAIMO process is under way and the first phase of public engagement will occur from July to September 2020.
- This integrated engagement process will provide input to several integrated plans including the Official Community Plan Update, Parks, Recreation and Culture Plan Update, Economic Development Plan, Climate Action Plan, Active Transportation Plan and Water Supply Strategic Plan.
- Visit for details and to be involved.
"We are excited to be working on a collective vision for our City's future that reflects all voices of our community. This type of planning process occurs once in a decade and is a chance for us to start from big ideas then move through a more focused discussion to understand the options and actions that will help us achieve our goals and create a future Nanaimo that we're all proud to call home."
"There is a lot to consider as we develop the plans but all of these topics interrelate and connect so it makes sense to look at them together while we work to balance priorities within each plan. Our City has changed significantly over the past decade and community input will be essential to help direct us where we go next."
"We want to involve as many people as possible in planning for our City's future. We are inviting organizations, institutions, and individuals to help us lead important conversations and encourage others in the community to join this discussion. Every little bit will help - from calling a neighbour to leading a conversation in your network - please help us REIMAGINE NANAIMO."
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