Nanaimo engages in a new way; use the arts to have your say!
REIMAGINE NANAIMO taps into creativity to help envision the future
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed August 10, 2020 1:00 PM
REIMAGINE NANAIMO sets out to do just as it says; to reimagine our city and how it will change, grow and move forward over the next ten years and beyond.
As part of this new process, the City is inviting creative participation from our great community. This is a chance to express your vision for Nanaimo's future in a range of visual media. Love to draw and paint? Have a dream for our city that is best expressed through dance or a colourful design, a collage or digital illustration? We want to see it!
Each week for the next six weeks, we will post a new challenge on These creative challenges will be related to key topics that shape who we are, such as how we work and how our economy will thrive, how we will move and get around, and what our future neighbourhoods may look like. This week’s challenge relates to staying green and adaptation: Share your ideas for making Nanaimo greener or reducing the impacts of climate change!
Drawings, photos, paintings, digital illustrations, collages and short videos are all welcome. This project is all about creative exploration, idea generation, critical thinking, conversation and fun. Submit on your own or work together and have some family fun with it! People of all ages and abilities are encouraged to create and send us the result.
Selected submissions will be shared on the City’s online platforms. At the end of the contest, one name will be drawn from all the entries and will win a $500 gift card to your choice of ONE of: a local electronics store OR a local bike shop OR a local grocery store.
Along with the launch of the contest, the City of Nanaimo has released a series of videos led by our Mayor and Council to help inspire your creativity and participation. Begin your video journey and find contest and submission details at We’re excited to see your creative ideas and grateful for your help as we all REIMAGINE NANAIMO.
Link to Strategic Plan: REIMAGINE NANAIMO is a Council-driven engagement process that will ultimately contribute to new collective community master plans that will strategically guide our City into the future.
Key Points
- The REIMAGINE NANAIMO Creative Community Contest is asking everyone to share their creative thoughts for Nanaimo’s future. Each week, we’ll post a new challenge and ask for your creative responses in a visual media of your choice.
- Need some creative inspiration? Nanaimo's Mayor and Council introduce REIMAGINE NANAIMO in a series of new videos. Follow your interests through a video journey that begins at
"This is a creative opportunity to shape how we grow and who we become as we move through the next ten years of development and beyond. We are a culturally rich community, and from our Snuneymuxw friends and neighbours, to the individuals and families that have made their way here over the many years - we are Nanaimo! So tap into your creativity, share and inspire as we REIMAGINE NANAIMO together."
"This is one way our team is opening up opportunities for broad participation in this significant City planning process. Creativity and art-making involves reflection, dreaming, experimentation and problem solving. Art is its own form of communication and encourages seeing fresh perspectives and new angles. We hope people take up this challenge, submit their creative responses and participate in this conversation to inform our future."
Quick Facts
- REIMAGINE NANAIMO has so far included surveys, pop-up activities, in-person and online conversations as the City gathers input and information on a range of key topics that help shape our city. Many of these engagement opportunities can be found at
- is the home for REIMAGINE NANAIMO. Visit the website for details or contact us at or by phone at 250.755.4464 to learn more.
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