Changes coming to Commercial, Bastion Street intersection
Four-way stop pilot project begins September 1
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed August 25, 2020 2:30 PM
The commute in downtown Nanaimo will be a little different beginning September 1, 2020. The City of Nanaimo's Transportation Planning Group is running a pilot project, which will see the aging traffic signal at the intersection of Commercial Street and Bastion Street change to a four-way stop. The intersection is scheduled to be reconstructed in 2021 and, if the pilot is successful, the four-way stop may become permanent.
On the morning of Tuesday, September 1, 2020, commuters can expect to see a stop sign installed on each corner and the traffic signal put into a four-way red flash mode. Drivers are reminded to yield to pedestrians and remember that the right-of-way rule applies. For more information on four-way stops and its rules, click on the ICBC Right-Of-Way Rules link in the online version of this news release.
Link to Strategic Plan: We will proactively plan for Nanaimo’s growth and focus on community infrastructure to support an inclusive, healthy, safe and desirable place to live.
Key Points
- Public consultation indicated a pilot project would be valuable. The pilot project is scheduled to run until October 2020. If successful, it may become a permanent fixture along with some other intersection improvements.
- As of September 1, 2020, four-way stop procedures will be in place at the intersection of Commercial Street and Bastion Street.
"This intersection sees only moderate traffic volumes but can see in excess of 200 pedestrians during afternoon peak hours. Under these conditions, research suggests a four-way stop may be more appealing for pedestrians than a traffic signal because each motorist approaching the intersection must stop and look around them. This change should make walking downtown much more enjoyable."
Quick Facts
- A four-way stop is a traffic management system which requires vehicles on all the approaches to a road intersection to stop at the intersection before proceeding through.
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