City of Nanaimo preparing facilities for return to indoor recreation
With COVID-19 safety protocols in place
NEWS RELEASE - Distributed September 1, 2020 3:55 PM
As summer's end draws closer, City of Nanaimo staff are preparing facilities for the safe return of indoor recreation activities that will begin in September. Each facility has been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized; and staff have been analyzing each building with a COVID-19 lens to ensure that spaces can adhere to physical distancing and that enhanced cleaning and sanitizing can take place on a regular basis in an effort to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Recreation programs that are being offered will follow the same safety protocols with fewer participants, modified content in some cases and have no shared equipment. This, too, will ensure that everyone can stay safe and healthy while taking part in indoor courses.
To help patrons find their way in each facility and to keep the flow of people going in one direction, facility ambassadors will greet each person at the door and direct them to the area of the building they need to be and will help them know where to exit. In most cases, traffic flow will be one-directional. Where that is not possible, program start and end times have been staggered. Ambassadors will also be available to answer general questions and control traffic into the building. Only those participating in programs or have rentals will be permitted in the facility. All facilities, including those with washrooms, will be closed to the general public in an effort to comply with the Provincial Mass Gathering Order.
Recreation centres will open as follows:
- Oliver Woods Community Centre opens for fall recreation programs and community rentals on Wednesday, September 9. Pre-registered drop-in programs will begin on Sunday, September 27. Front desk hours: Open Monday to Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm (closed 12-1 pm) and Saturday and Sunday, 9:30 am-2:30 pm.
- Nanaimo Aquatic Centre opens on Thursday, September 10 for pre-registered drop in programs. Front desk hours: Monday to Friday, 6:30 am-7 pm (closed 2:30-3:30 pm) and Saturday and Sunday, 8 am-8 pm (closed 12-12:30 pm)
- Nanaimo Ice Centre opens for pre-registered drop in on Sunday, September 20. Front desk office is closed until further notice.
- Bowen Park Complex opens for recreation programs and community rentals on Thursday, September 10 and pre-registered drop-in programs (pottery, woodworking) starting on Monday, September 14. Front desk hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am-4:30 pm (closed 12-1 pm)
All drop-in sessions must be pre-registered and paid for in advance and will be available to book up to 72 hours before the session. Booking may be done online (, by telephone (250-756-5200) or by visiting one of our open recreation centres during the hours listed above. For up to date information on fall 2020 recreation programming, please visit
Link to Strategic Plan: The City of Nanaimo is committed to the safety and well-being of its residents.
Key Points
- All drop-in sessions must be pre-registered and paid for in advance and will be available to book up to 72 hours before the session. Booking may be done online (, by telephone (250-756-5200) or by visiting one of our open recreation centres.
- All access to recreation centres will be limited to those participating in programs or community rentals. Facility ambassadors will be on hand to help the public navigate the facility and answer questions.
"We look forward to opening up our doors and having indoor recreation opportunities for our community once again. Although it will be different than what was before, the protocols in place will ensure the safety of everybody who is coming to our facilities."
Print News Release
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